.. raw:: html .. raw:: html .. _rpc_index_shell : Shell RPCs - Reference ###################### .. include:: /shell/rpc_introduction.rst.inc Index ***** * / * /chains * /chains/ (`PATCH `_) * /chains//blocks (`GET `_) * /chains//blocks/ () * /chains//chain_id (`GET `_) * /chains//checkpoint (`GET `_) * /chains//invalid_blocks (`GET `_) * /chains//invalid_blocks/ (`GET `_ `DELETE `_) * /chains//is_bootstrapped (`GET `_) * /chains//levels * /chains//levels/caboose (`GET `_) * /chains//levels/checkpoint (`GET `_) * /chains//levels/savepoint (`GET `_) * /chains//mempool () * /config (`GET `_) * /config/history_mode (`GET `_) * /config/logging (`PUT `_) * /config/network * /config/network/dal (`GET `_) * /config/network/user_activated_protocol_overrides (`GET `_) * /config/network/user_activated_upgrades (`GET `_) * /errors (`GET `_) * /fetch_protocol * /fetch_protocol/ (`GET `_) * /health * /health/ready (`GET `_) * /injection * /injection/block (`POST `_) * /injection/operation (`POST `_) * /injection/protocol (`POST `_) * /monitor * /monitor/active_chains (`GET `_) * /monitor/applied_blocks (`GET `_) * /monitor/bootstrapped (`GET `_) * /monitor/commit_hash (`GET `_) * /monitor/heads * /monitor/heads/ (`GET `_) * /monitor/protocols (`GET `_) * /monitor/validated_blocks (`GET `_) * /network * /network/connections (`GET `_) * /network/connections/ (`GET `_ `DELETE `_) * /network/greylist (`DELETE `_) * /network/greylist/ips (`GET `_) * /network/greylist/peers (`GET `_) * /network/log (`GET `_) * /network/peers (`GET `_) * /network/peers/ (`GET `_ `PATCH `_) * /network/peers//banned (`GET `_) * /network/peers//log (`GET `_) * /network/points (`GET `_) * /network/points/ (`GET `_ `PUT `_ `PATCH `_) * /network/points//banned (`GET `_) * /network/points//log (`GET `_) * /network/self (`GET `_) * /network/stat (`GET `_) * /private * /private/injection * /private/injection/operation (`POST `_) * /private/injection/operations (`POST `_) * /protocols (`GET `_) * /protocols/ (`GET `_) * /protocols//environment (`GET `_) * /stats * /stats/gc (`GET `_) * /stats/memory (`GET `_) * /version (`GET `_) * /workers * /workers/block_validator (`GET `_) * /workers/chain_validators (`GET `_) * /workers/chain_validators/ (`GET `_) * /workers/chain_validators//ddb (`GET `_) * /workers/chain_validators//peers_validators (`GET `_) * /workers/chain_validators//peers_validators/ (`GET `_) * /workers/prevalidators (`GET `_) * /workers/prevalidators/ (`GET `_) Full description **************** .. _PATCH_--chains--chain_id : **PATCH /chains/** .. raw:: html

Forcefully set the bootstrapped flag of the node

    { "bootstrapped": boolean }
    | Name         | Size   | Contents                            |
    | bootstrapped | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--blocks : **GET /chains//blocks?[length=]&(head=)\*&[min_date=]** .. raw:: html

Lists block hashes from '<chain>', up to the last checkpoint, sorted with decreasing fitness. Without arguments it returns the head of the chain. Optional arguments allow to return the list of predecessors of a given block or of a set of blocks.

Optional query arguments :

  • length = <uint> : The requested number of predecessors to return (per request; see next argument).
  • head = <block_hash> : An empty argument requests blocks starting with the current head. A non empty list allows to request one or more specific fragments of the chain.
  • min_date = <date> : When `min_date` is provided, blocks with a timestamp before `min_date` are filtered out. However, if the `length` parameter is also provided, then up to that number of predecessors will be returned regardless of their date.

    [ [ $block_hash ... ] ... ]
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--chain_id : **GET /chains//chain_id** .. raw:: html

The chain unique identifier.

    /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name     | Size    | Contents |
    | Chain_id | 4 bytes | bytes    |
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--checkpoint : **GET /chains//checkpoint** .. raw:: html

DEPRECATED: use `../levels/{checkpoint, savepoint, caboose, history_mode}` instead. The current checkpoint for this chain.

    { "block": $block_header,
      "savepoint": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "caboose": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "history_mode": $history_mode }
      /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Block header
         Block header. It contains both shell and protocol specific data. */
      { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
        "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "predecessor": $block_hash,
        "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
        "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
        "fitness": $fitness,
        "context": $Context_hash,
        "protocol_data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* Block fitness
         The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
         which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
         They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
         same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
      [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
      /* history mode
         Storage mode for the Tezos shell. */
      || { /* full
              Full mode retains every block and operations since the genesis
              block but periodically prunes older blocks' metadata to reduce
              the storage size. */
             { "additional_cycles":
                 integer ∈ [0, 1000.000000]
                 /* additional cycles
                    Number of additional cycles preserved below the savepoint.
                    By default: 1 additional cycles will be stored. */ } }
      || { /* rolling
              Rolling mode only retain the most recent cycles by periodically
              periodically discarding older blocks to reduce the storage size. */
             { "additional_cycles":
                 integer ∈ [0, 1000.000000]
                 /* additional cycles
                    Number of additional cycles preserved below the savepoint.
                    By default: 1 additional cycles will be stored. */ } }
      || "full"
      || "rolling"
      /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
         based. */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | block                 | Variable             | $block_header                      |
    | savepoint             | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | caboose               | 4 bytes              | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | history_mode          | Determined from data | $history_mode                      |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                       | Size     | Contents                           |
    | level                      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | proto                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | predecessor                | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | timestamp                  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | validation_pass            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | operations_hash            | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in field "fitness" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | fitness                    | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem          |
    | context                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | protocol_data              | Variable | bytes                              |
    history_mode (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    archive (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    full (tag 1)
    | Name | Size    | Contents                                                  |
    | Tag  | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                    |
    | full | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer in the range 0 to 1000 |
    rolling (tag 2)
    | Name    | Size    | Contents                                                  |
    | Tag     | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                    |
    | rolling | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer in the range 0 to 1000 |
    full_alias (tag 3)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    rolling_alias (tag 4)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--invalid_blocks : **GET /chains//invalid_blocks** .. raw:: html

Lists blocks that have been declared invalid along with the errors that led to them being declared invalid.

    [ { "block": $block_hash,
        "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
        "errors": $error } ... ]
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | block                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | level                    | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--invalid_blocks--block_hash : **GET /chains//invalid_blocks/** .. raw:: html

The errors that appears during the block (in)validation.

    { "block": $block_hash,
      "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "errors": $error }
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | block                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | level                    | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
.. _DELETE_--chains--chain_id--invalid_blocks--block_hash : **DELETE /chains//invalid_blocks/** .. raw:: html

Remove an invalid block for the tezos storage

    {  }
    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--is_bootstrapped : **GET /chains//is_bootstrapped** .. raw:: html

The bootstrap status of a chain

    { "bootstrapped": boolean,
      "sync_state": $chain_status }
      /* If 'unsynced', the node is not currently synchronized with of its
         peers (it is probably still bootstrapping and its head is lagging
         behind the chain's).
         If 'synced', the node considers itself synchronized with its peers and
         the current head timestamp is recent.
         If 'stuck', the node considers itself synchronized with its peers but
         the chain seems to be halted from its viewpoint. */
      "stuck" | "synced" | "unsynced"
    | Name         | Size   | Contents                                                          |
    | bootstrapped | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                               |
    | sync_state   | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see chain_status) |
    chain_status (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | synced         |
    | 1           | unsynced       |
    | 2           | stuck          |
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--levels--caboose : **GET /chains//levels/caboose** .. raw:: html

The current caboose for this chain.

    { "block_hash": $block_hash,
      "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31] }
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name       | Size     | Contents                         |
    | block_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | level      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--levels--checkpoint : **GET /chains//levels/checkpoint** .. raw:: html

The current checkpoint for this chain.

    { "block_hash": $block_hash,
      "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31] }
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name       | Size     | Contents                         |
    | block_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | level      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--chains--chain_id--levels--savepoint : **GET /chains//levels/savepoint** .. raw:: html

The current savepoint for this chain.

    { "block_hash": $block_hash,
      "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31] }
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name       | Size     | Contents                         |
    | block_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | level      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--config : **GET /config** .. raw:: html

Return the runtime node configuration (this takes into account the command-line arguments and the on-disk configuration file)

    { "data-dir"?: $unistring /* Location of the data dir on disk. */,
        /* Disable the node configuration validation. */,
        { /* Configuration of rpc parameters */
            [ $unistring ... ]
            /* Hosts to listen to. If the port is not specified, the default
               port 8732 will be assumed. */,
            [ $unistring ... ]
            /* Hosts to listen to. If the port is not specified, the default
               port 8732 will be assumed. */,
          "listen-addr"?: $unistring /* Legacy value: Host to listen to */,
            [ $unistring ... ]
            /* Cross Origin Resource Sharing parameters, see
               https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing. */,
            [ $unistring ... ]
            /* Cross Origin Resource Sharing parameters, see
               https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing. */,
            /* Certificate file (necessary when TLS is used). */,
          "key"?: $unistring /* Key file (necessary when TLS is used). */,
            [ { /* Whitelist */
                "address": $unistring,
                "whitelist": [ $unistring ... ] }
              || { /* Blacklist */
                   "address": $unistring,
                   "blacklist": [ $unistring ... ] } ... ]
            /* A list of RPC ACLs for specific listening addresses. */,
          "media-type"?: "json" | "any" | "binary",
            /* The maximum number of active connections per RPC endpoint. */ },
        { /* Configuration of network parameters */
            /* Floating point number between 0 and 256 that represents a
               difficulty, 24 signifies for example that at least 24 leading
               zeroes are expected in the hash. */,
            [ $unistring ... ]
            /* List of hosts. Tezos can connect to both IPv6 and IPv4 hosts. If
               the port is not specified, default port 9732 will be assumed. */,
            /* Host to listen to. If the port is not specified, the default
               port 9732 will be assumed. */,
            integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
            /* Alternative port advertised to other peers to connect to. If the
               port is not specified, the port from listen-addr will be
               assumed. */,
            /* Host for local peer discovery. If the port is not specified, the
               default port 10732 will be assumed. */
            $unistring /* Some */ || null /* None */,
            /* Specify if the node is in private mode or not. A node in private
               mode rejects incoming connections from untrusted peers and only
               opens outgoing connections to peers listed in 'bootstrap-peers'
               or provided with '--peer' option. Moreover, these peers will
               keep the identity and the address of the private node secret. */,
            { /* Network limits */
                /* Delay acceptable when initiating a connection to a new peer,
                   in seconds. */,
                /* Delay granted to a peer to perform authentication, in
                   seconds. */,
                integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
                /* Strict minimum number of connections (triggers an urgent
                   maintenance). */,
                integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
                /* Targeted number of connections to reach when bootstrapping /
                   maintaining. */,
                integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
                /* Maximum number of connections (exceeding peers are
                   disconnected). */,
                integer ∈ [0, 255]
                /* Number above which pending incoming connections are
                   immediately rejected. */,
                integer ∈ [0, 255]
                /* Number above which pending incoming connections are
                   immediately rejected. */,
                integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30]
                /* Max download speeds in KiB/s. */,
                integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30]
                /* Max upload speeds in KiB/s. */,
              "swap-linger"?: $timespan.system /* Some */ || null /* None */,
              "binary-chunks-size"?: integer ∈ [0, 255],
                integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30]
                /* Size of the buffer passed to read(2). */,
              "read-queue-size"?: integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
              "write-queue-size"?: integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
              "incoming-app-message-queue-size"?: integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
              "incoming-message-queue-size"?: integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
              "outgoing-message-queue-size"?: integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
                [ integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1], integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] ]
                /* The max and target size for the known address table. */,
                [ integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1], integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] ]
                /* The max and target size for the known peers table. */,
                integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
                /* The number of peer_ids kept in the peer_id greylist. */,
                integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
                /* The size of the IP address greylist (in kilobytes). */,
                /* The time an IP address is kept in the greylist. */,
                /* GC delay for the greylists tables, in seconds. */,
                /* How long to wait at most, in seconds, before running a
                   maintenance loop. If null -- decoding to None -- is provided
                   then the maintenance is disabled. */
                $timespan.system /* Some */ || null /* None */ },
            /* If set to [true], the node will not participate in the
               propagation of pending operations (mempool). Default value is
               [false]. It can be used to decrease the memory and computation
               footprints of the node. */,
            /* DEPRECATED. If set to [true], the node will spawn a testchain
               during the protocol's testing voting period. Default value is
               [false]. It is disabled to decrease the node storage usage and
               computation by dropping the validation of the test network
               blocks. */,
            { /* The reconnection policy regulates the frequency with which the
                 node tries to reconnect to an old known peer. */
                /* The factor by which the reconnection delay is increased when
                   a peer that was previously disconnected is disconnected
                   again. This value should be set to 1 for a linear back-off
                   and to >1 for an exponential back-off. */,
                /* The span of time a peer is disconnected for when it is first
                   disconnected. */,
                /* The span of time a peer is disconnected for when it is
                   disconnected as the result of an error. */,
                /* The maximum amount by which the reconnection is extended.
                   This limits the rate of the exponential back-off, which
                   eventually becomes linear when it reaches this limit. This
                   limit is set to avoid reaching the End-of-Time when
                   repeatedly reconnection a peer. */ },
            /* This field should be used for testing purpose only. If set to
               [true], the node will not participate to the peer discovery
               mechanism. The node will not be able to find new peers to
               connect with. */ },
        { /* Configuration of the Lwt-log sink (part of the logging framework) */
            /* Output for the logging function. Either 'stdout', 'stderr' or
               the name of a log file . */,
          "level"?: "info" | "debug" | "error" | "fatal" | "warning" | "notice",
          "colors"?: boolean /* Enables light coloring in logs. */,
            /* Fine-grained logging instructions. Same format as described in
               `octez-node run --help`, DEBUG section. In the example below,
               sections 'p2p' and all sections starting by 'client' will have
               their messages logged up to the debug level, whereas the rest of
               log sections will be logged up to the notice level. */ },
        /* Configuration of the structured logging framework */
        { /* Active-Sinks
             List of sinks to make sure are activated. */
            [ $unistring ... ]
            /* List of URIs to activate/configure sinks. */ }
        || { /* Active-Sinks-Deprecated
                List of sinks to make sure are activated, deprecated
                backwards-compatibility encoding. */
               [ $unistring ... ]
               /* List of URIs to activate/configure sinks. */ },
        { /* Configuration of network parameters */
            { "block_header_request_timeout"?: $timespan.system,
              "block_operations_request_timeout"?: $timespan.system,
              "protocol_request_timeout"?: $timespan.system,
              "new_head_request_timeout"?: $timespan.system },
            { "protocol_request_timeout"?: $timespan.system,
              "operation_metadata_size_limit"?: $operation_metadata_size_limit },
            { "operations_request_timeout"?: $timespan.system,
              "max_refused_operations"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
              "operations_batch_size"?: integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
            { /* synchronisation_heuristic_encoding */
                integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
                /* [latency] is the time interval (in seconds) used to
                   determine if a peer is synchronized with a chain. For
                   instance, a peer whose known head has a timestamp T is
                   considered synchronized if T >= now - latency. This
                   parameter depends on the baking rate and the latency of the
                   network. */,
                integer ∈ [0, 255]
                /* The minimal number of peers this peer should be synchronized
                   with in order to be bootstrapped. */ }
            || { /* legacy_bootstrap_threshold_encoding */
                   integer ∈ [0, 255]
                   /* [DEPRECATED] Set the number of peers with whom a chain
                      synchronisation must be completed to bootstrap the node. */ },
          "history_mode"?: $history_mode },
        /* Configuration of which network/blockchain to connect to */
        || "mainnet"
        || "ghostnet"
        || { /* Custom */
               { "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
                 "block": $block_hash,
                 "protocol": $Protocol_hash },
               { "context_key"?: $unistring,
                 "values": any },
             "chain_name": $distributed_db_version.name,
             "old_chain_name"?: $distributed_db_version.name,
             "incompatible_chain_name"?: $distributed_db_version.name,
             "sandboxed_chain_name": $distributed_db_version.name,
             "user_activated_upgrades"?: $user_activated.upgrades,
               [ $unistring ... ]
               /* List of hosts to use if p2p.bootstrap_peers is unspecified. */,
               { /* USE FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY. Configuration for the
                    data-availibility layer */
                 "activated": boolean,
                 "use_mock_srs_for_testing": boolean,
                 "bootstrap_peers": [ $unistring ... ] } },
        [ $unistring ... ]
        /* Configuration of the Prometheus metrics endpoint */ }
      /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A name for the distributed DB protocol */
      /* history mode
         Storage mode for the Tezos shell. */
      || { /* full
              Full mode retains every block and operations since the genesis
              block but periodically prunes older blocks' metadata to reduce
              the storage size. */
             { "additional_cycles":
                 integer ∈ [0, 1000.000000]
                 /* additional cycles
                    Number of additional cycles preserved below the savepoint.
                    By default: 1 additional cycles will be stored. */ } }
      || { /* rolling
              Rolling mode only retain the most recent cycles by periodically
              periodically discarding older blocks to reduce the storage size. */
             { "additional_cycles":
                 integer ∈ [0, 1000.000000]
                 /* additional cycles
                    Number of additional cycles preserved below the savepoint.
                    By default: 1 additional cycles will be stored. */ } }
      || "full"
      || "rolling"
      /* max_active_rpc_connections
         The maximum alowed number of RPC connections */
      || integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30]
      /* limited
         The number of maximum RPC connections allowed is limited to the given
         integer's value. */
      /* operation_metadata_size_limit
         The operation metadata size limit */
      || integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30]
      /* limited
         The metadata size is limited to the given integer's value (in bytes). */
      /* A span of time, as seen by the local computer. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
         based. */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
      /* User activated protocol overrides
         User activated protocol overrides: activate a protocol instead of
         another. */
      [ { "replaced_protocol": $Protocol_hash,
          "replacement_protocol": $Protocol_hash } ... ]
      /* User activated upgrades
         User activated upgrades: at given level, switch to given protocol. */
      [ { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
          "replacement_protocol": $Protocol_hash } ... ]
    | Name                                  | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in next field                 | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | data-dir                              | Variable             | bytes                               |
    | disable-config-validation             | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | rpc                                   | Determined from data | $X_0                                |
    | p2p                                   | Determined from data | $X_14                               |
    | log                                   | Determined from data | $X_25                               |
    | ? presence of field "internal-events" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | internal-events                       | Determined from data | $X_30                               |
    | shell                                 | Determined from data | $X_31                               |
    | network                               | Determined from data | $X_43                               |
    | # bytes in next field                 | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | metrics_addr                          | Variable             | sequence of $X_2                    |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_2                   |
    X_12 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Whitelist (tag 0)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | address               | Variable | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | whitelist             | Variable | sequence of $X_2                   |
    Blacklist (tag 1)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | address               | Variable | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | blacklist             | Variable | sequence of $X_2                   |
    X_13 (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | json           |
    | 1           | binary         |
    | 2           | any            |
    max_active_rpc_connections (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    unlimited (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    limited (tag 1)
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name                                        | Size                 | Contents                                                  |
    | ? presence of field "listen-addrs"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                       |
    | listen-addrs                                | Determined from data | $X_1                                                      |
    | ? presence of field "external-listen-addrs" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                       |
    | external-listen-addrs                       | Determined from data | $X_1                                                      |
    | ? presence of field "listen-addr"           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                       |
    | listen-addr                                 | Determined from data | $X_2                                                      |
    | # bytes in next field                       | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                        |
    | cors-origin                                 | Variable             | sequence of $X_2                                          |
    | # bytes in next field                       | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                        |
    | cors-headers                                | Variable             | sequence of $X_2                                          |
    | ? presence of field "crt"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                       |
    | crt                                         | Determined from data | $X_2                                                      |
    | ? presence of field "key"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                       |
    | key                                         | Determined from data | $X_2                                                      |
    | # bytes in next field                       | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                        |
    | acl                                         | Variable             | sequence of $X_12                                         |
    | media-type                                  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_13) |
    | max_active_rpc_connections                  | Determined from data | $max_active_rpc_connections                               |
    X_18 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    None (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Some (tag 1)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    X_20 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    None (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Some (tag 1)
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                               |
    | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                 |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                           |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | Name                                                  | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
    | connection-timeout                                    | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | authentication-timeout                                | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | min-connections                                       | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
    | expected-connections                                  | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
    | max-connections                                       | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
    | backlog                                               | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | max-incoming-connections                              | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | ? presence of field "max-download-speed"              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | max-download-speed                                    | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | ? presence of field "max-upload-speed"                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | max-upload-speed                                      | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | swap-linger                                           | Determined from data | $X_20                                                                   |
    | ? presence of field "binary-chunks-size"              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | binary-chunks-size                                    | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | read-buffer-size                                      | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | ? presence of field "read-queue-size"                 | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | read-queue-size                                       | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | ? presence of field "write-queue-size"                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | write-queue-size                                      | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | ? presence of field "incoming-app-message-queue-size" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | incoming-app-message-queue-size                       | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | ? presence of field "incoming-message-queue-size"     | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | incoming-message-queue-size                           | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | ? presence of field "outgoing-message-queue-size"     | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | outgoing-message-queue-size                           | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | ? presence of field "max_known_points"                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | max_known_points                                      | 4 bytes              | $X_21                                                                   |
    | ? presence of field "max_known_peer_ids"              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                     |
    | max_known_peer_ids                                    | 4 bytes              | $X_21                                                                   |
    | peer_greylist_size                                    | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
    | ip_greylist_size_in_kilobytes                         | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
    | ip_greylist_cleanup_delay                             | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | greylist-timeout                                      | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | maintenance-idle-time                                 | Determined from data | $X_20                                                                   |
    | Name                | Size    | Contents                               |
    | factor              | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | initial-delay       | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | disconnection-delay | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | increase-cap        | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | Name                                      | Size                 | Contents                               |
    | expected-proof-of-work                    | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number |
    | ? presence of field "bootstrap-peers"     | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)    |
    | bootstrap-peers                           | Determined from data | $X_1                                   |
    | ? presence of field "listen-addr"         | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)    |
    | listen-addr                               | Determined from data | $X_2                                   |
    | ? presence of field "advertised-net-port" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)    |
    | advertised-net-port                       | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer     |
    | discovery-addr                            | Determined from data | $X_18                                  |
    | private-mode                              | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)    |
    | limits                                    | Determined from data | $X_19                                  |
    | disable_mempool                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)    |
    | enable_testchain                          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)    |
    | greylisting_config                        | 32 bytes             | $X_24                                  |
    | disable_peer_discovery                    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)    |
    X_26 (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | debug          |
    | 1           | info           |
    | 2           | notice         |
    | 3           | warning        |
    | 4           | error          |
    | 5           | fatal          |
    | Name                        | Size                 | Contents                                                  |
    | # bytes in next field       | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                        |
    | output                      | Variable             | bytes                                                     |
    | level                       | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_26) |
    | colors                      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                       |
    | ? presence of field "rules" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                       |
    | rules                       | Determined from data | $X_2                                                      |
    X_30 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Active-Sinks (tag 0)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | active_sinks          | Variable | sequence of $X_2                   |
    Active-Sinks-Deprecated (tag 1)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | activate              | Variable | sequence of $X_2                   |
    | Name                             | Size    | Contents                               |
    | block_header_request_timeout     | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | block_operations_request_timeout | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | protocol_request_timeout         | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | new_head_request_timeout         | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number |
    | Name                          | Size                 | Contents                               |
    | protocol_request_timeout      | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number |
    | operation_metadata_size_limit | Determined from data | $max_active_rpc_connections            |
    | Name                       | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | operations_request_timeout | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | max_refused_operations     | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                                      |
    | operations_batch_size      | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    X_35 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    synchronisation_heuristic_encoding (tag 0)
    | Name                      | Size    | Contents                           |
    | Tag                       | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | latency                   | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | synchronisation_threshold | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    legacy_bootstrap_threshold_encoding (tag 1)
    | Name                | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag                 | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | bootstrap_threshold | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    history_mode (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    archive (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    full (tag 1)
    | Name | Size    | Contents                                                  |
    | Tag  | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                    |
    | full | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer in the range 0 to 1000 |
    rolling (tag 2)
    | Name    | Size    | Contents                                                  |
    | Tag     | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                    |
    | rolling | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer in the range 0 to 1000 |
    full_alias (tag 3)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    rolling_alias (tag 4)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | Name                               | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | peer_validator                     | 32 bytes             | $X_32                               |
    | block_validator                    | Determined from data | $X_33                               |
    | prevalidator                       | 14 bytes             | $X_34                               |
    | chain_validator                    | Determined from data | $X_35                               |
    | ? presence of field "history_mode" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | history_mode                       | Determined from data | $history_mode                       |
    | Name      | Size     | Contents                         |
    | timestamp | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | block     | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | protocol  | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | context_key           | Variable | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | values                | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                 | Size     | Contents                         |
    | level                | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
    | replacement_protocol | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | Name                 | Size     | Contents |
    | replaced_protocol    | 32 bytes | bytes    |
    | replacement_protocol | 32 bytes | bytes    |
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                            |
    | activated                | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | use_mock_srs_for_testing | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | # bytes in next field    | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | bootstrap_peers          | Variable | sequence of $X_2                    |
    X_43 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Custom (tag 0)
    | Name                                                 | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | Tag                                                  | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
    | genesis                                              | 72 bytes             | $X_36                               |
    | ? presence of field "genesis_parameters"             | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | genesis_parameters                                   | Determined from data | $X_37                               |
    | # bytes in field "distributed_db_version.name"       | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | chain_name                                           | Variable             | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "old_chain_name"                 | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | old_chain_name                                       | Determined from data | $X_2                                |
    | ? presence of field "incompatible_chain_name"        | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | incompatible_chain_name                              | Determined from data | $X_2                                |
    | # bytes in field "distributed_db_version.name"       | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | sandboxed_chain_name                                 | Variable             | bytes                               |
    | # bytes in field "user_activated.upgrades"           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | user_activated_upgrades                              | Variable             | sequence of $X_38                   |
    | # bytes in field "user_activated.protocol_overrides" | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | user_activated_protocol_overrides                    | Variable             | sequence of $X_39                   |
    | # bytes in next field                                | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | default_bootstrap_peers                              | Variable             | sequence of $X_2                    |
    | dal_config                                           | Determined from data | $X_41                               |
    sandbox (tag 1)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    mainnet (tag 4)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    ghostnet (tag 19)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
.. _GET_--config--history_mode : **GET /config/history_mode** .. raw:: html

Returns the history mode of the node's underlying storage.

    { "history_mode": $history_mode }
      /* history mode
         Storage mode for the Tezos shell. */
      || { /* full
              Full mode retains every block and operations since the genesis
              block but periodically prunes older blocks' metadata to reduce
              the storage size. */
             { "additional_cycles":
                 integer ∈ [0, 1000.000000]
                 /* additional cycles
                    Number of additional cycles preserved below the savepoint.
                    By default: 1 additional cycles will be stored. */ } }
      || { /* rolling
              Rolling mode only retain the most recent cycles by periodically
              periodically discarding older blocks to reduce the storage size. */
             { "additional_cycles":
                 integer ∈ [0, 1000.000000]
                 /* additional cycles
                    Number of additional cycles preserved below the savepoint.
                    By default: 1 additional cycles will be stored. */ } }
      || "full"
      || "rolling"
    | Name         | Size                 | Contents      |
    | history_mode | Determined from data | $history_mode |
    history_mode (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    archive (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    full (tag 1)
    | Name | Size    | Contents                                                  |
    | Tag  | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                    |
    | full | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer in the range 0 to 1000 |
    rolling (tag 2)
    | Name    | Size    | Contents                                                  |
    | Tag     | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                    |
    | rolling | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer in the range 0 to 1000 |
    full_alias (tag 3)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    rolling_alias (tag 4)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
.. _PUT_--config--logging : **PUT /config/logging** .. raw:: html

Replace the logging configuration of the node.

    { /* Active-Sinks
         List of sinks to make sure are activated. */
        [ $unistring ... ]
        /* List of URIs to activate/configure sinks. */ }
    || { /* Active-Sinks-Deprecated
            List of sinks to make sure are activated, deprecated
            backwards-compatibility encoding. */
           [ $unistring ... ]
           /* List of URIs to activate/configure sinks. */ }
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_2     |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    X_2 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Active-Sinks (tag 0)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | active_sinks          | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    Active-Sinks-Deprecated (tag 1)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | activate              | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    {  }
    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
.. _GET_--config--network--dal : **GET /config/network/dal** .. raw:: html

Configuration for the DAL

    { "activated": boolean,
      "use_mock_srs_for_testing": boolean,
      "bootstrap_peers": [ $unistring ... ] }
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                            |
    | activated                | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | use_mock_srs_for_testing | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | # bytes in next field    | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | bootstrap_peers          | Variable | sequence of $X_0                    |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
.. _GET_--config--network--user_activated_protocol_overrides : **GET /config/network/user_activated_protocol_overrides** .. raw:: html

List of protocols which replace other protocols

    [ { "replaced_protocol": $Protocol_hash,
        "replacement_protocol": $Protocol_hash } ... ]
    /* User activated protocol overrides
       User activated protocol overrides: activate a protocol instead of
       another. */
      /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                 | Size     | Contents |
    | replaced_protocol    | 32 bytes | bytes    |
    | replacement_protocol | 32 bytes | bytes    |
.. _GET_--config--network--user_activated_upgrades : **GET /config/network/user_activated_upgrades** .. raw:: html

List of protocols to switch to at given levels

    [ { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
        "replacement_protocol": $Protocol_hash } ... ]
    /* User activated upgrades
       User activated upgrades: at given level, switch to given protocol. */
      /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                 | Size     | Contents                         |
    | level                | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
    | replacement_protocol | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
.. _GET_--errors : **GET /errors** .. raw:: html

Schema for all the RPC errors from the shell

    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
.. _GET_--fetch_protocol--Protocol_hash : **GET /fetch_protocol/** .. raw:: html

Fetch a protocol from the network.

    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
.. _GET_--health--ready : **GET /health/ready** .. raw:: html

Returns whether or not the node is ready to answer to requests.

    { "ready": boolean }
    | Name  | Size   | Contents                            |
    | ready | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
.. _POST_--injection--block : **POST /injection/block?[async]&[force]&[chain=]** .. raw:: html

Inject a block in the node and broadcast it. The `operations` embedded in `blockHeader` might be pre-validated using a contextual RPCs from the latest block (e.g. '/blocks/head/context/preapply'). Returns the ID of the block. By default, the RPC will wait for the block to be validated before answering. If ?async is true, the function returns immediately. Otherwise, the block will be validated before the result is returned. If ?force is true, it will be injected even on non strictly increasing fitness. An optional ?chain parameter can be used to specify whether to inject on the test chain or the main chain.

Optional query arguments :

  • async
  • force
  • chain = <chain_id>

    { "data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/,
      "operations": [ [ $operation ... ] ... ] }
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* An operation. The shell_header part indicates a block an operation is
         meant to apply on top of. The proto part is protocol-specific and
         appears as a binary blob. */
      { "branch": $block_hash,
        "data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | data                  | Variable | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | operations            | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next 2 fields | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | branch                   | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | data                     | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next 2 fields | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | # bytes in next field    | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0          | Variable | sequence of $X_1                   |
    /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name       | Size     | Contents |
    | block_hash | 32 bytes | bytes    |
.. _POST_--injection--operation : **POST /injection/operation?[async]&[chain=]** .. raw:: html

Inject an operation in node and broadcast it. Returns the ID of the operation. The `signedOperationContents` should be constructed using contextual RPCs from the latest block and signed by the client. The injection of the operation will apply it on the current mempool context. This context may change at each operation injection or operation reception from peers. By default, the RPC will wait for the operation to be (pre-)validated before returning. However, if ?async is true, the function returns immediately. The optional ?chain parameter can be used to specify whether to inject on the test chain or the main chain.

Optional query arguments :

  • async
  • chain = <chain_id>

    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    /* A Tezos operation ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name           | Size     | Contents |
    | Operation_hash | 32 bytes | bytes    |
.. _POST_--injection--protocol : **POST /injection/protocol?[async]** .. raw:: html

Inject a protocol in node. Returns the ID of the protocol. If ?async is true, the function returns immediately. Otherwise, the protocol will be validated before the result is returned.

Optional query arguments :

  • async

    { /* The environment a protocol relies on and the components a protocol is
         made of. */
      "expected_env_version": $protocol.environment_version,
        [ { "name": $unistring,
            "interface"?: $unistring,
            "implementation": $unistring } ... ] }
    $protocol.environment_version: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | expected_env_version  | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | components            | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                            | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | name                            | Variable             | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "interface" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | interface                       | Determined from data | $X_1                                |
    | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | implementation                  | Variable             | bytes                               |
    /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name          | Size     | Contents |
    | Protocol_hash | 32 bytes | bytes    |
.. _GET_--monitor--active_chains : **GET /monitor/active_chains** .. raw:: html

Monitor every chain creation and destruction. Currently active chains will be given as first elements

    [ { /* Main */
        "chain_id": $Chain_id }
      || { /* Test */
           "chain_id": $Chain_id,
           "test_protocol": $Protocol_hash,
           "expiration_date": $timestamp.protocol }
      || { /* Stopping */
           "stopping": $Chain_id } ... ]
      /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
         based. */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Main (tag 0)
    | Name     | Size    | Contents               |
    | Tag      | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | chain_id | 4 bytes | bytes                  |
    Test (tag 1)
    | Name            | Size     | Contents                         |
    | Tag             | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | chain_id        | 4 bytes  | bytes                            |
    | test_protocol   | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | expiration_date | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Stopping (tag 2)
    | Name     | Size    | Contents               |
    | Tag      | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | stopping | 4 bytes | bytes                  |
.. _GET_--monitor--applied_blocks : **GET /monitor/applied_blocks?(protocol=)\*&(next_protocol=)\*&(chain=)\*** .. raw:: html

Monitor all blocks that are successfully applied and stored by the node, disregarding whether they were selected as the new head or not.

Optional query arguments :

  • protocol = <Protocol_hash>
  • next_protocol = <Protocol_hash>
  • chain = <chain_id>

    { "chain_id": $Chain_id,
      "hash": $block_hash,
      "header": $block_header,
      "operations": [ [ $operation ... ] ... ] }
      /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Block header
         Block header. It contains both shell and protocol specific data. */
      { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
        "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "predecessor": $block_hash,
        "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
        "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
        "fitness": $fitness,
        "context": $Context_hash,
        "protocol_data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* Block fitness
         The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
         which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
         They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
         same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
      [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
      /* An operation. The shell_header part indicates a block an operation is
         meant to apply on top of. The proto part is protocol-specific and
         appears as a binary blob. */
      { "branch": $block_hash,
        "data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
         based. */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | chain_id              | 4 bytes  | bytes                              |
    | hash                  | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | header                | Variable | $block_header                      |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | operations            | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                       | Size     | Contents                           |
    | level                      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | proto                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | predecessor                | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | timestamp                  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | validation_pass            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | operations_hash            | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in field "fitness" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | fitness                    | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem          |
    | context                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | protocol_data              | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next 2 fields | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | branch                   | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | data                     | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_1                   |
.. _GET_--monitor--bootstrapped : **GET /monitor/bootstrapped** .. raw:: html

Wait for the node to have synchronized its chain with a few peers (configured by the node's administrator), streaming head updates that happen during the bootstrapping process, and closing the stream at the end. If the node was already bootstrapped, returns the current head immediately.

    { "block": $block_hash,
      "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol }
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
         based. */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name      | Size     | Contents                         |
    | block     | 32 bytes | bytes                            |
    | timestamp | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--monitor--commit_hash : **GET /monitor/commit_hash** .. raw:: html

DEPRECATED: use `version` instead.

    /* Universal string representation
       Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
       contain invalid byte sequences. */
    string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
.. _GET_--monitor--heads--chain_id : **GET /monitor/heads/?(protocol=)\*&(next_protocol=)\*** .. raw:: html

Monitor all blocks that are successfully validated and applied by the node and selected as the new head of the given chain.

Optional query arguments :

  • protocol = <Protocol_hash>
  • next_protocol = <Protocol_hash>

    { /* Block header
         Block header. It contains both shell and protocol specific data. */
      "hash": $block_hash,
      "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
      "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "predecessor": $block_hash,
      "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
      "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
      "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
      "fitness": $fitness,
      "context": $Context_hash,
      "protocol_data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Block fitness
         The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
         which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
         They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
         same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
      [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
      /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
         based. */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                       | Size     | Contents                           |
    | hash                       | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | level                      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | proto                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | predecessor                | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | timestamp                  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | validation_pass            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | operations_hash            | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in field "fitness" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | fitness                    | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem          |
    | context                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | protocol_data              | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
.. _GET_--monitor--protocols : **GET /monitor/protocols** .. raw:: html

Monitor all economic protocols that are retrieved and successfully loaded and compiled by the node.

    /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name          | Size     | Contents |
    | Protocol_hash | 32 bytes | bytes    |
.. _GET_--monitor--validated_blocks : **GET /monitor/validated_blocks?(protocol=)\*&(next_protocol=)\*&(chain=)\*** .. raw:: html

Monitor all blocks that were successfully validated by the node but are not applied nor stored yet, disregarding whether they are going to be selected as the new head or not.

Optional query arguments :

  • protocol = <Protocol_hash>
  • next_protocol = <Protocol_hash>
  • chain = <chain_id>

    { "chain_id": $Chain_id,
      "hash": $block_hash,
      "header": $block_header,
      "operations": [ [ $operation ... ] ... ] }
      /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A hash of context (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A list of list of operations (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Block header
         Block header. It contains both shell and protocol specific data. */
      { "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31],
        "proto": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "predecessor": $block_hash,
        "timestamp": $timestamp.protocol,
        "validation_pass": integer ∈ [0, 255],
        "operations_hash": $Operation_list_list_hash,
        "fitness": $fitness,
        "context": $Context_hash,
        "protocol_data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* Block fitness
         The fitness, or score, of a block, that allow the Tezos to decide
         which chain is the best. A fitness value is a list of byte sequences.
         They are compared as follows: shortest lists are smaller; lists of the
         same length are compared according to the lexicographical order. */
      [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
      /* An operation. The shell_header part indicates a block an operation is
         meant to apply on top of. The proto part is protocol-specific and
         appears as a binary blob. */
      { "branch": $block_hash,
        "data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* A timestamp as seen by the protocol: second-level precision, epoch
         based. */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | chain_id              | 4 bytes  | bytes                              |
    | hash                  | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | header                | Variable | $block_header                      |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | operations            | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                       | Size     | Contents                           |
    | level                      | 4 bytes  | signed 32-bit big-endian integer   |
    | proto                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | predecessor                | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | timestamp                  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | validation_pass            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | operations_hash            | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in field "fitness" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | fitness                    | Variable | sequence of $fitness.elem          |
    | context                    | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | protocol_data              | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next 2 fields | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | branch                   | 32 bytes | bytes                              |
    | data                     | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_1                   |
.. _GET_--network--connections : **GET /network/connections** .. raw:: html

List the running P2P connection.

    [ { "incoming": boolean,
        "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
        "id_point": $p2p_connection.id,
        "remote_socket_port": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
        "announced_version": $network_version,
        "private": boolean,
          { "disable_mempool": boolean,
            "private_node": boolean },
          { "disable_mempool": boolean,
            "private_node": boolean } } ... ]
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A version number for the distributed DB protocol */
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* A name for the distributed DB protocol */
      /* A version number for the network protocol (includes distributed DB
         version and p2p version) */
      { "chain_name": $distributed_db_version.name,
        "distributed_db_version": $distributed_db_version,
        "p2p_version": $p2p_version }
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* The identifier for a p2p connection. It includes an address and a port
         number. */
      { "addr": $p2p_address,
        "port"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] }
      /* A version number for the p2p layer. */
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                           | Size     | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in field "p2p_address" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | addr                           | Variable | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "port"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | port                           | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | Name                                           | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in field "distributed_db_version.name" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | chain_name                                     | Variable | bytes                              |
    | distributed_db_version                         | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | p2p_version                                    | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | Name            | Size   | Contents                            |
    | disable_mempool | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | private_node    | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | Name               | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | incoming           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | peer_id            | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    | id_point           | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id                  |
    | remote_socket_port | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | announced_version  | Determined from data | $network_version                    |
    | private            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | local_metadata     | 2 bytes              | $X_1                                |
    | remote_metadata    | 2 bytes              | $X_1                                |
.. _GET_--network--connections--peer_id : **GET /network/connections/** .. raw:: html

Details about the current P2P connection to the given peer.

    { "incoming": boolean,
      "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
      "id_point": $p2p_connection.id,
      "remote_socket_port": integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1],
      "announced_version": $network_version,
      "private": boolean,
      "local_metadata": { "disable_mempool": boolean,
                          "private_node": boolean },
        { "disable_mempool": boolean,
          "private_node": boolean } }
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A version number for the distributed DB protocol */
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* A name for the distributed DB protocol */
      /* A version number for the network protocol (includes distributed DB
         version and p2p version) */
      { "chain_name": $distributed_db_version.name,
        "distributed_db_version": $distributed_db_version,
        "p2p_version": $p2p_version }
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* The identifier for a p2p connection. It includes an address and a port
         number. */
      { "addr": $p2p_address,
        "port"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] }
      /* A version number for the p2p layer. */
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name               | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | incoming           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | peer_id            | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    | id_point           | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id                  |
    | remote_socket_port | 2 bytes              | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | announced_version  | Determined from data | $network_version                    |
    | private            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | local_metadata     | 2 bytes              | $X_0                                |
    | remote_metadata    | 2 bytes              | $X_0                                |
    | Name                           | Size     | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in field "p2p_address" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | addr                           | Variable | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "port"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | port                           | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | Name                                           | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in field "distributed_db_version.name" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | chain_name                                     | Variable | bytes                              |
    | distributed_db_version                         | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | p2p_version                                    | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | Name            | Size   | Contents                            |
    | disable_mempool | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | private_node    | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
.. _DELETE_--network--connections--peer_id : **DELETE /network/connections/?[wait]** .. raw:: html

Forced close of the current P2P connection to the given peer.

Optional query arguments :

  • wait

    {  }
    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
.. _DELETE_--network--greylist : **DELETE /network/greylist** .. raw:: html

Clear all greylists tables. This will unban all addresses and peers automatically greylisted by the system.

    {  }
    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
.. _GET_--network--greylist--ips : **GET /network/greylist/ips** .. raw:: html

Returns an object that contains a list of IP and the field "not_reliable_since". If the field "not_reliable_since" is None then the list contains the currently greylisted IP addresses. If the field "not_reliable_since" Contains a date, this means that the greylist has been overflowed and it is no more possible to obtain the exact list of greylisted IPs. Since the greylist of IP addresses has been design to work whatever his size, there is no security issue related to this overflow. Reinitialize the ACL structure by calling "delete /network/greylist" to get back this list reliable.

    { "ips": [ $p2p_address ... ],
      "not_reliable_since": $timestamp.system /* Some */ || null /* None */ }
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | ips                   | Variable             | sequence of $p2p_address           |
    | not_reliable_since    | Determined from data | $X_0                               |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    None (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Some (tag 1)
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag             | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--network--greylist--peers : **GET /network/greylist/peers** .. raw:: html

List of the last greylisted peers.

    [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash ... ]
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |
.. _GET_--network--log : **GET /network/log** .. raw:: html

Stream of all network events

    /* An event that may happen during maintenance of and other operations on
       the p2p connection pool. Typically, it includes connection errors, peer
       swaps, etc. */
    { /* Too_few_connections */
      "event": "too_few_connections" }
    || { /* Too_many_connections */
         "event": "too_many_connections" }
    || { /* New_point */
         "event": "new_point",
         "point": $p2p_point.id }
    || { /* New_peer */
         "event": "new_peer",
         "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Incoming_connection */
         "event": "incoming_connection",
         "point": $p2p_point.id }
    || { /* Outgoing_connection */
         "event": "outgoing_connection",
         "point": $p2p_point.id }
    || { /* Authentication_failed */
         "event": "authentication_failed",
         "point": $p2p_point.id }
    || { /* Accepting_request */
         "event": "accepting_request",
         "point": $p2p_point.id,
         "id_point": $p2p_connection.id,
         "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Rejecting_request */
         "event": "rejecting_request",
         "point": $p2p_point.id,
         "id_point": $p2p_connection.id,
         "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Request_rejected */
         "event": "request_rejected",
         "point": $p2p_point.id,
         "identity"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash ] }
    || { /* Connection_established */
         "event": "connection_established",
         "id_point": $p2p_connection.id,
         "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Disconnection */
         "event": "disconnection",
         "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* External_disconnection */
         "event": "external_disconnection",
         "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Gc_points */
         "event": "gc_points" }
    || { /* Gc_peer_ids */
         "event": "gc_peer_ids" }
    || { /* Swap_request_received */
         "event": "swap_request_received",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Swap_ack_received */
         "event": "swap_ack_received",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Swap_request_sent */
         "event": "swap_request_sent",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Swap_ack_sent */
         "event": "swap_ack_sent",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Swap_request_ignored */
         "event": "swap_request_ignored",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Swap_success */
         "event": "swap_success",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Swap_failure */
         "event": "swap_failure",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Bootstrap_sent */
         "event": "bootstrap_sent",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Bootstrap_received */
         "event": "bootstrap_received",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Advertise_sent */
         "event": "advertise_sent",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
    || { /* Advertise_received */
         "event": "advertise_received",
         "source": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* The identifier for a p2p connection. It includes an address and a port
         number. */
      { "addr": $p2p_address,
        "port"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] }
      /* Identifier for a peer point */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_1     |
    | Name                           | Size     | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in field "p2p_address" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | addr                           | Variable | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "port"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | port                           | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents           |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 16 bytes             | bytes              |
    X_1 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Too_few_connections (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Too_many_connections (tag 1)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    New_point (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | point | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id          |
    New_peer (tag 3)
    | Name    | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Incoming_connection (tag 4)
    | Name  | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | point | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id          |
    Outgoing_connection (tag 5)
    | Name  | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | point | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id          |
    Authentication_failed (tag 6)
    | Name  | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag   | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | point | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id          |
    Accepting_request (tag 7)
    | Name     | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | point    | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id          |
    | id_point | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id     |
    | peer_id  | 16 bytes             | bytes                  |
    Rejecting_request (tag 8)
    | Name     | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | point    | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id          |
    | id_point | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id     |
    | peer_id  | 16 bytes             | bytes                  |
    Request_rejected (tag 9)
    | Name                           | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | Tag                            | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
    | point                          | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id                       |
    | ? presence of field "identity" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | identity                       | Determined from data | $X_0                                |
    Connection_established (tag 10)
    | Name     | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag      | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | id_point | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id     |
    | peer_id  | 16 bytes             | bytes                  |
    Disconnection (tag 11)
    | Name    | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    External_disconnection (tag 12)
    | Name    | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Gc_points (tag 13)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Gc_peer_ids (tag 14)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Swap_request_received (tag 15)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Swap_ack_received (tag 16)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Swap_request_sent (tag 17)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Swap_ack_sent (tag 18)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Swap_request_ignored (tag 19)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Swap_success (tag 20)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Swap_failure (tag 21)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Bootstrap_sent (tag 22)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Bootstrap_received (tag 23)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Advertise_sent (tag 24)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Advertise_received (tag 25)
    | Name   | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag    | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | source | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
.. _GET_--network--peers : **GET /network/peers?(filter=)\*** .. raw:: html

List the peers the node ever met.

Optional query arguments :

  • filter = <p2p.point.state_filter>

    [ [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
        { "score": number,
          "trusted": boolean,
            { "disable_mempool": boolean,
              "private_node": boolean },
            { "responses":
                { "sent":
                    { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                      "branch": $bignum,
                      "head": $bignum,
                      "block_header": $bignum,
                      "operations": $bignum,
                      "protocols": $bignum,
                      "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                      "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                      "checkpoint": $bignum,
                      "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                      "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                      "other": $bignum }
                    || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                         "branch": $bignum,
                         "head": $bignum,
                         "block_header": $bignum,
                         "operations": $bignum,
                         "protocols": $bignum,
                         "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                         "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                         "other": $bignum },
                    { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                      "branch": $bignum,
                      "head": $bignum,
                      "block_header": $bignum,
                      "operations": $bignum,
                      "protocols": $bignum,
                      "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                      "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                      "checkpoint": $bignum,
                      "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                      "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                      "other": $bignum }
                    || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                         "branch": $bignum,
                         "head": $bignum,
                         "block_header": $bignum,
                         "operations": $bignum,
                         "protocols": $bignum,
                         "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                         "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                         "other": $bignum },
                    { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                      "branch": $bignum,
                      "head": $bignum,
                      "block_header": $bignum,
                      "operations": $bignum,
                      "protocols": $bignum,
                      "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                      "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                      "checkpoint": $bignum,
                      "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                      "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                      "other": $bignum }
                    || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                         "branch": $bignum,
                         "head": $bignum,
                         "block_header": $bignum,
                         "operations": $bignum,
                         "protocols": $bignum,
                         "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                         "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                         "other": $bignum },
                  "unexpected": $bignum,
                  "outdated": $bignum },
                { "sent":
                    { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                      "branch": $bignum,
                      "head": $bignum,
                      "block_header": $bignum,
                      "operations": $bignum,
                      "protocols": $bignum,
                      "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                      "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                      "checkpoint": $bignum,
                      "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                      "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                      "other": $bignum }
                    || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                         "branch": $bignum,
                         "head": $bignum,
                         "block_header": $bignum,
                         "operations": $bignum,
                         "protocols": $bignum,
                         "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                         "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                         "other": $bignum },
                    { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                      "branch": $bignum,
                      "head": $bignum,
                      "block_header": $bignum,
                      "operations": $bignum,
                      "protocols": $bignum,
                      "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                      "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                      "checkpoint": $bignum,
                      "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                      "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                      "other": $bignum }
                    || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                         "branch": $bignum,
                         "head": $bignum,
                         "block_header": $bignum,
                         "operations": $bignum,
                         "protocols": $bignum,
                         "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                         "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                         "other": $bignum },
                    { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                      "branch": $bignum,
                      "head": $bignum,
                      "block_header": $bignum,
                      "operations": $bignum,
                      "protocols": $bignum,
                      "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                      "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                      "checkpoint": $bignum,
                      "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                      "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                      "other": $bignum }
                    || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                         "branch": $bignum,
                         "head": $bignum,
                         "block_header": $bignum,
                         "operations": $bignum,
                         "protocols": $bignum,
                         "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                         "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                         "other": $bignum },
                    { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                      "branch": $bignum,
                      "head": $bignum,
                      "block_header": $bignum,
                      "operations": $bignum,
                      "protocols": $bignum,
                      "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                      "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                      "checkpoint": $bignum,
                      "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                      "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                      "other": $bignum }
                    || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                         "branch": $bignum,
                         "head": $bignum,
                         "block_header": $bignum,
                         "operations": $bignum,
                         "protocols": $bignum,
                         "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                         "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                         "other": $bignum } },
              "valid_blocks": $bignum,
              "old_heads": $bignum,
                { "cannot_download": $bignum,
                  "cannot_parse": $bignum,
                  "refused_by_prefilter": $bignum,
                  "refused_by_postfilter": $bignum,
                  "applied": $bignum,
                  "branch_delayed": $bignum,
                  "branch_refused": $bignum,
                  "refused": $bignum,
                  "duplicate": $bignum,
                  "outdated": $bignum },
              "unactivated_chains": $bignum,
              "inactive_chains": $bignum,
              "future_blocks_advertised": $bignum,
                { "block": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocol": $bignum },
                { "sent": { "head": $bignum,
                            "branch": $bignum },
                  "received": { "head": $bignum,
                                "branch": $bignum } } },
          "state": $p2p_peer.state,
          "reachable_at"?: $p2p_connection.id,
          "stat": $p2p_stat,
          "last_failed_connection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
            [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
            [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
          "last_disconnection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
          "last_seen"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
          "last_miss"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ] } ] ... ]
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Big number
         Decimal representation of a big number */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* The identifier for a p2p connection. It includes an address and a port
         number. */
      { "addr": $p2p_address,
        "port"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] }
      /* The state a peer connection can be in: accepted (when the connection
         is being established), running (when the connection is already
         established), disconnected (otherwise). */
      "running" | "accepted" | "disconnected"
      /* Statistics about the p2p network. */
      { "total_sent": $int64,
        "total_recv": $int64,
        "current_inflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "current_outflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name            | Size   | Contents                            |
    | disable_mempool | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | private_node    | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    X_5 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith integer. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). The second most significant bit of the first byte is reserved for the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). Size and sign bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little-endian order.
    | Name | Size                 | Contents |
    | Z.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |
    | Name       | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent       | Determined from data | $X_5     |
    | failed     | Determined from data | $X_5     |
    | received   | Determined from data | $X_5     |
    | unexpected | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | outdated   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name      | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent      | Determined from data | $X_5     |
    | received  | Determined from data | $X_5     |
    | failed    | Determined from data | $X_5     |
    | scheduled | Determined from data | $X_5     |
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents |
    | cannot_download       | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | cannot_parse          | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused_by_prefilter  | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused_by_postfilter | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | applied               | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch_delayed        | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch_refused        | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused               | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | duplicate             | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | outdated              | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name       | Size                 | Contents |
    | block      | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | operations | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | protocol   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name   | Size                 | Contents |
    | head   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name     | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent     | Determined from data | $X_16    |
    | received | Determined from data | $X_16    |
    | Name                     | Size                 | Contents |
    | responses                | Determined from data | $X_4     |
    | requests                 | Determined from data | $X_8     |
    | valid_blocks             | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | old_heads                | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | prevalidator_results     | Determined from data | $X_13    |
    | unactivated_chains       | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | inactive_chains          | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | future_blocks_advertised | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | unadvertised             | Determined from data | $X_14    |
    | advertisements           | Determined from data | $X_15    |
    p2p_peer.state (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | accepted       |
    | 1           | running        |
    | 2           | disconnected   |
    | Name                           | Size     | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in field "p2p_address" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | addr                           | Variable | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "port"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | port                           | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | total_sent      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | total_recv      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | current_inflow  | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | current_outflow | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id               |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | Name                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                            |
    | score                                             | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number                              |
    | trusted                                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | ? presence of field "conn_metadata"               | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | conn_metadata                                     | 2 bytes              | $X_2                                                                |
    | peer_metadata                                     | Determined from data | $X_3                                                                |
    | state                                             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see p2p_peer.state) |
    | ? presence of field "reachable_at"                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | reachable_at                                      | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id                                                  |
    | stat                                              | 24 bytes             | $p2p_stat                                                           |
    | ? presence of field "last_failed_connection"      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_failed_connection                            | Determined from data | $X_18                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_rejected_connection"    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_rejected_connection                          | Determined from data | $X_18                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_established_connection" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_established_connection                       | Determined from data | $X_18                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_disconnection"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_disconnection                                | Determined from data | $X_18                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_seen"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_seen                                         | Determined from data | $X_18                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_miss"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_miss                                         | Determined from data | $X_18                                                               |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 16 bytes             | bytes    |
    | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_1     |
.. _GET_--network--peers--peer_id : **GET /network/peers/** .. raw:: html

Details about a given peer.

    { "score": number,
      "trusted": boolean,
      "conn_metadata"?: { "disable_mempool": boolean,
                          "private_node": boolean },
        { "responses":
            { "sent":
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
              "unexpected": $bignum,
              "outdated": $bignum },
            { "sent":
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum } },
          "valid_blocks": $bignum,
          "old_heads": $bignum,
            { "cannot_download": $bignum,
              "cannot_parse": $bignum,
              "refused_by_prefilter": $bignum,
              "refused_by_postfilter": $bignum,
              "applied": $bignum,
              "branch_delayed": $bignum,
              "branch_refused": $bignum,
              "refused": $bignum,
              "duplicate": $bignum,
              "outdated": $bignum },
          "unactivated_chains": $bignum,
          "inactive_chains": $bignum,
          "future_blocks_advertised": $bignum,
            { "block": $bignum,
              "operations": $bignum,
              "protocol": $bignum },
            { "sent": { "head": $bignum,
                        "branch": $bignum },
              "received": { "head": $bignum,
                            "branch": $bignum } } },
      "state": $p2p_peer.state,
      "reachable_at"?: $p2p_connection.id,
      "stat": $p2p_stat,
      "last_failed_connection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_rejected_connection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_established_connection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_disconnection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_seen"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_miss"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ] }
      /* Big number
         Decimal representation of a big number */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* The identifier for a p2p connection. It includes an address and a port
         number. */
      { "addr": $p2p_address,
        "port"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] }
      /* The state a peer connection can be in: accepted (when the connection
         is being established), running (when the connection is already
         established), disconnected (otherwise). */
      "running" | "accepted" | "disconnected"
      /* Statistics about the p2p network. */
      { "total_sent": $int64,
        "total_recv": $int64,
        "current_inflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "current_outflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                            |
    | score                                             | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number                              |
    | trusted                                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | ? presence of field "conn_metadata"               | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | conn_metadata                                     | 2 bytes              | $X_0                                                                |
    | peer_metadata                                     | Determined from data | $X_1                                                                |
    | state                                             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see p2p_peer.state) |
    | ? presence of field "reachable_at"                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | reachable_at                                      | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id                                                  |
    | stat                                              | 24 bytes             | $p2p_stat                                                           |
    | ? presence of field "last_failed_connection"      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_failed_connection                            | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_rejected_connection"    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_rejected_connection                          | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_established_connection" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_established_connection                       | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_disconnection"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_disconnection                                | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_seen"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_seen                                         | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_miss"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_miss                                         | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | Name            | Size   | Contents                            |
    | disable_mempool | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | private_node    | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    X_3 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith integer. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). The second most significant bit of the first byte is reserved for the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). Size and sign bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little-endian order.
    | Name | Size                 | Contents |
    | Z.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |
    | Name       | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent       | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | failed     | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | received   | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | unexpected | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | outdated   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name      | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent      | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | received  | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | failed    | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | scheduled | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents |
    | cannot_download       | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | cannot_parse          | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused_by_prefilter  | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused_by_postfilter | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | applied               | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch_delayed        | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch_refused        | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused               | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | duplicate             | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | outdated              | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name       | Size                 | Contents |
    | block      | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | operations | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | protocol   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name   | Size                 | Contents |
    | head   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name     | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent     | Determined from data | $X_14    |
    | received | Determined from data | $X_14    |
    | Name                     | Size                 | Contents |
    | responses                | Determined from data | $X_2     |
    | requests                 | Determined from data | $X_6     |
    | valid_blocks             | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | old_heads                | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | prevalidator_results     | Determined from data | $X_11    |
    | unactivated_chains       | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | inactive_chains          | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | future_blocks_advertised | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | unadvertised             | Determined from data | $X_12    |
    | advertisements           | Determined from data | $X_13    |
    p2p_peer.state (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | accepted       |
    | 1           | running        |
    | 2           | disconnected   |
    | Name                           | Size     | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in field "p2p_address" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | addr                           | Variable | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "port"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | port                           | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | total_sent      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | total_recv      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | current_inflow  | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | current_outflow | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id               |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
.. _PATCH_--network--peers--peer_id : **PATCH /network/peers/** .. raw:: html

Change the permissions of a given peer. With `{acl: ban}`: blacklist the given peer and remove it from the whitelist if present. With `{acl: open}`: removes the peer from the blacklist and whitelist. With `{acl: trust}`: trust the given peer permanently and remove it from the blacklist if present. The peer cannot be blocked (but its host IP still can).

    { "acl"?: "open" | "trust" | "ban" }
    | Name                      | Size   | Contents                                                 |
    | ? presence of field "acl" | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                      |
    | acl                       | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_0) |
    X_0 (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | ban            |
    | 1           | trust          |
    | 2           | open           |
    { "score": number,
      "trusted": boolean,
      "conn_metadata"?: { "disable_mempool": boolean,
                          "private_node": boolean },
        { "responses":
            { "sent":
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
              "unexpected": $bignum,
              "outdated": $bignum },
            { "sent":
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum },
                { /* peer_metadata.v1 */
                  "branch": $bignum,
                  "head": $bignum,
                  "block_header": $bignum,
                  "operations": $bignum,
                  "protocols": $bignum,
                  "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                  "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                  "checkpoint": $bignum,
                  "protocol_branch": $bignum,
                  "predecessor_header": $bignum,
                  "other": $bignum }
                || { /* peer_metadata.legacy_v0 */
                     "branch": $bignum,
                     "head": $bignum,
                     "block_header": $bignum,
                     "operations": $bignum,
                     "protocols": $bignum,
                     "operation_hashes_for_block": $bignum,
                     "operations_for_block": $bignum,
                     "other": $bignum } },
          "valid_blocks": $bignum,
          "old_heads": $bignum,
            { "cannot_download": $bignum,
              "cannot_parse": $bignum,
              "refused_by_prefilter": $bignum,
              "refused_by_postfilter": $bignum,
              "applied": $bignum,
              "branch_delayed": $bignum,
              "branch_refused": $bignum,
              "refused": $bignum,
              "duplicate": $bignum,
              "outdated": $bignum },
          "unactivated_chains": $bignum,
          "inactive_chains": $bignum,
          "future_blocks_advertised": $bignum,
            { "block": $bignum,
              "operations": $bignum,
              "protocol": $bignum },
            { "sent": { "head": $bignum,
                        "branch": $bignum },
              "received": { "head": $bignum,
                            "branch": $bignum } } },
      "state": $p2p_peer.state,
      "reachable_at"?: $p2p_connection.id,
      "stat": $p2p_stat,
      "last_failed_connection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_rejected_connection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_established_connection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_disconnection"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_seen"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_miss"?: [ $p2p_connection.id, $timestamp.system ] }
      /* Big number
         Decimal representation of a big number */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* The identifier for a p2p connection. It includes an address and a port
         number. */
      { "addr": $p2p_address,
        "port"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] }
      /* The state a peer connection can be in: accepted (when the connection
         is being established), running (when the connection is already
         established), disconnected (otherwise). */
      "running" | "accepted" | "disconnected"
      /* Statistics about the p2p network. */
      { "total_sent": $int64,
        "total_recv": $int64,
        "current_inflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        "current_outflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                                              | Size                 | Contents                                                            |
    | score                                             | 8 bytes              | double-precision floating-point number                              |
    | trusted                                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | ? presence of field "conn_metadata"               | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | conn_metadata                                     | 2 bytes              | $X_0                                                                |
    | peer_metadata                                     | Determined from data | $X_1                                                                |
    | state                                             | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see p2p_peer.state) |
    | ? presence of field "reachable_at"                | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | reachable_at                                      | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id                                                  |
    | stat                                              | 24 bytes             | $p2p_stat                                                           |
    | ? presence of field "last_failed_connection"      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_failed_connection                            | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_rejected_connection"    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_rejected_connection                          | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_established_connection" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_established_connection                       | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_disconnection"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_disconnection                                | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_seen"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_seen                                         | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_miss"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                                 |
    | last_miss                                         | Determined from data | $X_16                                                               |
    | Name            | Size   | Contents                            |
    | disable_mempool | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | private_node    | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    X_3 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    A variable-length sequence of bytes encoding a Zarith integer. Each byte has a running unary size bit: the most significant bit of each byte indicates whether this is the last byte in the sequence (0) or whether the sequence continues (1). The second most significant bit of the first byte is reserved for the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). Size and sign bits ignored, the data is the binary representation of the absolute value of the number in little-endian order.
    | Name | Size                 | Contents |
    | Z.t  | Determined from data | bytes    |
    | Name       | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent       | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | failed     | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | received   | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | unexpected | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | outdated   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name      | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent      | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | received  | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | failed    | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | scheduled | Determined from data | $X_3     |
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents |
    | cannot_download       | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | cannot_parse          | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused_by_prefilter  | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused_by_postfilter | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | applied               | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch_delayed        | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch_refused        | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | refused               | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | duplicate             | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | outdated              | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name       | Size                 | Contents |
    | block      | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | operations | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | protocol   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name   | Size                 | Contents |
    | head   | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | branch | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | Name     | Size                 | Contents |
    | sent     | Determined from data | $X_14    |
    | received | Determined from data | $X_14    |
    | Name                     | Size                 | Contents |
    | responses                | Determined from data | $X_2     |
    | requests                 | Determined from data | $X_6     |
    | valid_blocks             | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | old_heads                | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | prevalidator_results     | Determined from data | $X_11    |
    | unactivated_chains       | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | inactive_chains          | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | future_blocks_advertised | Determined from data | $Z.t     |
    | unadvertised             | Determined from data | $X_12    |
    | advertisements           | Determined from data | $X_13    |
    p2p_peer.state (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | accepted       |
    | 1           | running        |
    | 2           | disconnected   |
    | Name                           | Size     | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in field "p2p_address" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | addr                           | Variable | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "port"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | port                           | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer  |
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | total_sent      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | total_recv      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | current_inflow  | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | current_outflow | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $p2p_connection.id               |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--network--peers--peer_id--banned : **GET /network/peers//banned** .. raw:: html

Check if a given peer is blacklisted or greylisted.

    | Name            | Size   | Contents                            |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
.. _GET_--network--peers--peer_id--log : **GET /network/peers//log?[monitor]** .. raw:: html

Monitor network events related to a given peer.

Optional query arguments :

  • monitor

    [ $p2p_peer.pool_event ... ]
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* An address for locating peers. */
      /* An event that may happen during maintenance of and other operations on
         the connection to a specific peer. */
      { "kind":
          | "incoming_request"
          | "disconnection"
          | "external_disconnection"
          | "connection_established"
          | "request_rejected",
        "timestamp": $timestamp.system,
        "addr": $p2p_address,
        "port"?: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1] }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $p2p_peer.pool_event   |
    X_0 (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string         |
    | 0           | incoming_request       |
    | 1           | rejecting_request      |
    | 2           | request_rejected       |
    | 3           | connection_established |
    | 4           | disconnection          |
    | 5           | external_disconnection |
    | Name                           | Size     | Contents                                                 |
    | kind                           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_0) |
    | timestamp                      | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                         |
    | # bytes in field "p2p_address" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer                       |
    | addr                           | Variable | bytes                                                    |
    | ? presence of field "port"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                      |
    | port                           | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer                       |
.. _GET_--network--points : **GET /network/points?(filter=)\*** .. raw:: html

List the pool of known `IP:port` used for establishing P2P connections.

Optional query arguments :

  • filter = <p2p.point.state_filter>

    [ [ $p2p_point.id, $p2p_point.info ] ... ]
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* Identifier for a peer point */
      /* Information about a peer point. Includes flags, state, and records
         about past events. */
      { "trusted": boolean,
        "greylisted_until"?: $timestamp.system,
        "state": $p2p_point.state,
        "p2p_peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
        "last_failed_connection"?: $timestamp.system,
          [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
          [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
          [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
        "last_seen"?: [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
        "last_miss"?: $timestamp.system,
        "expected_peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      /* The state a connection to a peer point can be in: requested
         (connection open from here), accepted (handshake), running (connection
         already established), disconnected (no connection). */
      { /* Requested */
        "event_kind": "requested" }
      || { /* Accepted */
           "event_kind": "accepted",
           "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      || { /* Running */
           "event_kind": "running",
           "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      || { /* Disconnected */
           "event_kind": "disconnected" }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    p2p_point.state (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Requested (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Accepted (tag 1)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Running (tag 2)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Disconnected (tag 3)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | Name            | Size     | Contents                         |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 16 bytes | bytes                            |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | Name                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | trusted                                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | ? presence of field "greylisted_until"            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | greylisted_until                                  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | state                                             | Determined from data | $p2p_point.state                    |
    | ? presence of field "p2p_peer_id"                 | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | p2p_peer_id                                       | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_failed_connection"      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_failed_connection                            | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | ? presence of field "last_rejected_connection"    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_rejected_connection                          | 24 bytes             | $X_1                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_established_connection" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_established_connection                       | 24 bytes             | $X_1                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_disconnection"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_disconnection                                | 24 bytes             | $X_1                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_seen"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_seen                                         | 24 bytes             | $X_1                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_miss"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_miss                                         | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | ? presence of field "expected_peer_id"            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | expected_peer_id                                  | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents        |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $p2p_point.id   |
    | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $p2p_point.info |
.. _GET_--network--points--point : **GET /network/points/** .. raw:: html

Details about a given `IP:addr`.

    { /* Information about a peer point. Includes flags, state, and records
         about past events. */
      "trusted": boolean,
      "greylisted_until"?: $timestamp.system,
      "state": $p2p_point.state,
      "p2p_peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
      "last_failed_connection"?: $timestamp.system,
        [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
        [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_disconnection"?: [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_seen"?: [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_miss"?: $timestamp.system,
      "expected_peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* The state a connection to a peer point can be in: requested
         (connection open from here), accepted (handshake), running (connection
         already established), disconnected (no connection). */
      { /* Requested */
        "event_kind": "requested" }
      || { /* Accepted */
           "event_kind": "accepted",
           "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      || { /* Running */
           "event_kind": "running",
           "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      || { /* Disconnected */
           "event_kind": "disconnected" }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | trusted                                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | ? presence of field "greylisted_until"            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | greylisted_until                                  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | state                                             | Determined from data | $p2p_point.state                    |
    | ? presence of field "p2p_peer_id"                 | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | p2p_peer_id                                       | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_failed_connection"      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_failed_connection                            | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | ? presence of field "last_rejected_connection"    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_rejected_connection                          | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_established_connection" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_established_connection                       | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_disconnection"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_disconnection                                | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_seen"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_seen                                         | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_miss"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_miss                                         | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | ? presence of field "expected_peer_id"            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | expected_peer_id                                  | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    p2p_point.state (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Requested (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Accepted (tag 1)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Running (tag 2)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Disconnected (tag 3)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | Name            | Size     | Contents                         |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 16 bytes | bytes                            |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
.. _PUT_--network--points--point : **PUT /network/points/?[timeout=]** .. raw:: html

Connect to a peer

Optional query arguments :

  • timeout = <timespan>

    {  }
    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
    {  }
    This value's binary representation is empty. It takes zero (0) bytes of output.
.. _PATCH_--network--points--point : **PATCH /network/points/** .. raw:: html

Change the connectivity state of a given `IP:addr`. With `{acl : ban}`: blacklist the given address and remove it from the whitelist if present. With `{acl: open}`: removes an address from the blacklist and whitelist. With `{acl: trust}`: trust a given address permanently and remove it from the blacklist if present. With `{peer_id: <id>}` set the peerId of the point. Connections from this address can still be closed on authentication if the peer is greylisted.

    { "acl"?: "open" | "trust" | "ban",
      "peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                          | Size     | Contents                                                 |
    | ? presence of field "acl"     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                      |
    | acl                           | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see X_0) |
    | ? presence of field "peer_id" | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true)                      |
    | peer_id                       | 16 bytes | bytes                                                    |
    X_0 (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | ban            |
    | 1           | trust          |
    | 2           | open           |
    { /* Information about a peer point. Includes flags, state, and records
         about past events. */
      "trusted": boolean,
      "greylisted_until"?: $timestamp.system,
      "state": $p2p_point.state,
      "p2p_peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
      "last_failed_connection"?: $timestamp.system,
        [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
        [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_disconnection"?: [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_seen"?: [ $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash, $timestamp.system ],
      "last_miss"?: $timestamp.system,
      "expected_peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* The state a connection to a peer point can be in: requested
         (connection open from here), accepted (handshake), running (connection
         already established), disconnected (no connection). */
      { /* Requested */
        "event_kind": "requested" }
      || { /* Accepted */
           "event_kind": "accepted",
           "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      || { /* Running */
           "event_kind": "running",
           "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
      || { /* Disconnected */
           "event_kind": "disconnected" }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                                              | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | trusted                                           | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | ? presence of field "greylisted_until"            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | greylisted_until                                  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | state                                             | Determined from data | $p2p_point.state                    |
    | ? presence of field "p2p_peer_id"                 | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | p2p_peer_id                                       | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "last_failed_connection"      | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_failed_connection                            | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | ? presence of field "last_rejected_connection"    | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_rejected_connection                          | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_established_connection" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_established_connection                       | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_disconnection"          | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_disconnection                                | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_seen"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_seen                                         | 24 bytes             | $X_0                                |
    | ? presence of field "last_miss"                   | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | last_miss                                         | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer    |
    | ? presence of field "expected_peer_id"            | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | expected_peer_id                                  | 16 bytes             | bytes                               |
    p2p_point.state (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Requested (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Accepted (tag 1)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Running (tag 2)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Disconnected (tag 3)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | Name            | Size     | Contents                         |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 16 bytes | bytes                            |
    | Unnamed field 1 | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--network--points--point--banned : **GET /network/points//banned** .. raw:: html

Check if a given address is blacklisted or greylisted. Port component is unused.

    | Name            | Size   | Contents                            |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 1 byte | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
.. _GET_--network--points--point--log : **GET /network/points//log?[monitor]** .. raw:: html

Monitor network events related to an `IP:addr`.

Optional query arguments :

  • monitor

    [ $p2p_point.pool_event ... ]
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* Events happening during maintenance of and operations on a peer point
         pool (such as connections, disconnections, connection requests). */
      [ $timestamp.system,
        { /* Outgoing_request */
          "event_kind": "outgoing_request" }
        || { /* Accepting_request */
             "event_kind": "accepting_request",
             "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
        || { /* Rejecting_request */
             "event_kind": "rejecting_request",
             "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
        || { /* Rejecting_rejected */
             "event_kind": "request_rejected",
             "p2p_peer_id"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
        || { /* Connection_established */
             "event_kind": "rejecting_request",
             "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
        || { /* Disconnection */
             "event_kind": "rejecting_request",
             "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
        || { /* External_disconnection */
             "event_kind": "rejecting_request",
             "p2p_peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash } ]
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $p2p_point.pool_event  |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Outgoing_request (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Accepting_request (tag 1)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Rejecting_request (tag 2)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Rejecting_rejected (tag 3)
    | Name                              | Size     | Contents                            |
    | Tag                               | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
    | ? presence of field "p2p_peer_id" | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | p2p_peer_id                       | 16 bytes | bytes                               |
    Connection_established (tag 4)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    Disconnection (tag 5)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    External_disconnection (tag 6)
    | Name        | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag         | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | p2p_peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 1 | Determined from data | $X_0                             |
.. _GET_--network--self : **GET /network/self** .. raw:: html

Return the node's peer id

    /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                       | Size     | Contents |
    | Crypto_box.Public_key_hash | 16 bytes | bytes    |
.. _GET_--network--stat : **GET /network/stat** .. raw:: html

Global network bandwidth statistics in B/s.

    { /* Statistics about the p2p network. */
      "total_sent": $int64,
      "total_recv": $int64,
      "current_inflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "current_outflow": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | total_sent      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | total_recv      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | current_inflow  | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | current_outflow | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
.. _POST_--private--injection--operation : **POST /private/injection/operation?[async]&[chain=]** .. raw:: html

Inject an operation in node and broadcast it. Returns the ID of the operation. The `signedOperationContents` should be constructed using contextual RPCs from the latest block and signed by the client. The injection of the operation will apply it on the current mempool context. This context may change at each operation injection or operation reception from peers. By default, the RPC will wait for the operation to be (pre-)validated before returning. However, if ?async is true, the function returns immediately. The optional ?chain parameter can be used to specify whether to inject on the test chain or the main chain.

Optional query arguments :

  • async
  • chain = <chain_id>

    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    /* A Tezos operation ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name           | Size     | Contents |
    | Operation_hash | 32 bytes | bytes    |
.. _POST_--private--injection--operations : **POST /private/injection/operations?[async]&[force]&[chain=]** .. raw:: html

Inject a list of operations in a node. If [force] is [true] then the operations are immediatly injected. The injection will succeed, but it does not mean the operations are (all) valid. In any case, the injection will be quick, hence [async] will be taken into account but should have almost no impact. If [async] is [true], all the promises returned by injecting an operation will be dropped. Each injection is done independently, and does not depend on the other injected operations result. Otherwise ([async]=[force]=[false]), for each operation, we record a list of promises. If all the injections succeed, the result is the list of operation hashes injected, otherwise an error ("injection_operations_error") is returned. This error is followed by markers for each operation: "injection_operation_succeed" for success and "injection_operation_error" for failure (followed by the errors specific to this injection).

Optional query arguments :

  • async
  • force
  • chain = <chain_id>

    [ /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ ... ]
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next 2 fields | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | # bytes in next field    | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0          | Variable | bytes                              |
    [ $Operation_hash ... ]
      /* A Tezos operation ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |
.. _GET_--protocols : **GET /protocols** .. raw:: html

    [ $Protocol_hash ... ]
      /* A Tezos protocol ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |
.. _GET_--protocols--Protocol_hash : **GET /protocols/** .. raw:: html

    { /* The environment a protocol relies on and the components a protocol is
         made of. */
      "expected_env_version": $protocol.environment_version,
        [ { "name": $unistring,
            "interface"?: $unistring,
            "implementation": $unistring } ... ] }
    $protocol.environment_version: integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | expected_env_version  | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | components            | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name                            | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | name                            | Variable             | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "interface" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | interface                       | Determined from data | $X_1                                |
    | # bytes in next field           | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | implementation                  | Variable             | bytes                               |
.. _GET_--protocols--Protocol_hash--environment : **GET /protocols//environment** .. raw:: html

    integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                           |
    | Unnamed field 0 | 2 bytes | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--stats--gc : **GET /stats/gc** .. raw:: html

Gets stats from the OCaml Garbage Collector

    { "minor_words": number,
      "promoted_words": number,
      "major_words": number,
      "minor_collections": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "major_collections": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "forced_major_collections": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "heap_words": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "heap_chunks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "live_words": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "live_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "free_words": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "free_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "largest_free": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "fragments": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "compactions": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "top_heap_words": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "stack_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
    | Name                     | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | minor_words              | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | promoted_words           | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | major_words              | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | minor_collections        | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | major_collections        | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | forced_major_collections | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | heap_words               | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | heap_chunks              | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | live_words               | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | live_blocks              | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | free_words               | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | free_blocks              | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | largest_free             | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | fragments                | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | compactions              | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | top_heap_words           | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | stack_size               | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
.. _GET_--stats--memory : **GET /stats/memory** .. raw:: html

Gets memory usage stats

    { /* Linux_proc_statm */
      "page_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "size": $int64,
      "resident": $int64,
      "shared": $int64,
      "text": $int64,
      "lib": $int64,
      "data": $int64,
      "dt": $int64 }
    || { /* Darwin_ps */
         "page_size": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
         "mem": number,
         "resident": $int64 }
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents |
    | Unnamed field 0 | Determined from data | $X_0     |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Linux_proc_statm (tag 0)
    | Name      | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag       | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | page_size | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | size      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | resident  | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | shared    | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | text      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | lib       | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | data      | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    | dt        | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
    Darwin_ps (tag 1)
    | Name      | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag       | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | page_size | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | mem       | 8 bytes | double-precision floating-point number                                  |
    | resident  | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer                                        |
.. _GET_--version : **GET /version** .. raw:: html

Get information on the node version

    { "version":
        { "major": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
          "minor": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
            || { /* RC */
                 "rc": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
            || "release"
            || { /* RC_dev */
                 "rc_dev": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
            || { /* Beta */
                 "beta": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
            || { /* Beta_dev */
                 "beta_dev": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] } },
      "network_version": $network_version,
        { /* Some */
          "commit_hash": $unistring,
          "commit_date": $unistring }
        || null
        /* None */ }
      /* A version number for the distributed DB protocol */
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* A name for the distributed DB protocol */
      /* A version number for the network protocol (includes distributed DB
         version and p2p version) */
      { "chain_name": $distributed_db_version.name,
        "distributed_db_version": $distributed_db_version,
        "p2p_version": $p2p_version }
      /* A version number for the p2p layer. */
      integer ∈ [0, 2^16-1]
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents         |
    | version         | Determined from data | $X_0             |
    | network_version | Determined from data | $network_version |
    | commit_info     | Determined from data | $X_2             |
    X_1 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Dev (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    RC (tag 1)
    | Name | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag  | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | rc   | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    Release (tag 2)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    RC_dev (tag 3)
    | Name   | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag    | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | rc_dev | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    Beta (tag 4)
    | Name | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag  | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | beta | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    Beta_dev (tag 5)
    | Name     | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag      | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | beta_dev | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name            | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
    | major           | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | minor           | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | additional_info | Determined from data | $X_1                                                                    |
    | Name                                           | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in field "distributed_db_version.name" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | chain_name                                     | Variable | bytes                              |
    | distributed_db_version                         | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    | p2p_version                                    | 2 bytes  | unsigned 16-bit big-endian integer |
    X_2 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    None (tag 0)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Some (tag 1)
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | commit_hash           | Variable | bytes                              |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | commit_date           | Variable | bytes                              |
.. _GET_--workers--block_validator : **GET /workers/block_validator** .. raw:: html

Introspect the state of the block_validator worker.

    { "status":
        { /* Launching */
          "phase": "launching",
          "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Running */
             "phase": "running",
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closing */
             "phase": "closing",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closed */
             "phase": "closed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Crashed */
             "phase": "crashed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system,
             "errors": $error },
        [ { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
              { /* validation */
                "block": $block_hash,
                "chain_id": $Chain_id,
                "peer"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
              || { /* preapplication */
                   "chain_id": $Chain_id,
                   "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31] } } ... ],
        { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
          "treated": $timestamp.system,
            { /* validation */
              "block": $block_hash,
              "chain_id": $Chain_id,
              "peer"?: $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash }
            || { /* preapplication */
                 "chain_id": $Chain_id,
                 "level": integer ∈ [-2^31-1, 2^31] } } }
      /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                                  | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | status                                | Determined from data | $X_0                                |
    | # bytes in next field                 | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | pending_requests                      | Variable             | sequence of $X_1                    |
    | ? presence of field "current_request" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | current_request                       | Determined from data | $X_3                                |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Launching (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Running (tag 1)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closing (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closed (tag 3)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Crashed (tag 4)
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | birth                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | since                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
    X_2 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    validation (tag 0)
    | Name                       | Size     | Contents                            |
    | Tag                        | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
    | block                      | 32 bytes | bytes                               |
    | chain_id                   | 4 bytes  | bytes                               |
    | ? presence of field "peer" | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | peer                       | 16 bytes | bytes                               |
    preapplication (tag 1)
    | Name     | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag      | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | chain_id | 4 bytes | bytes                            |
    | level    | 4 bytes | signed 32-bit big-endian integer |
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
    | pushed                | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | request               | Determined from data | $X_2                               |
    | Name    | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | pushed  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | treated | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | request | Determined from data | $X_2                             |
.. _GET_--workers--chain_validators : **GET /workers/chain_validators** .. raw:: html

Lists the chain validator workers and their status.

    [ { "chain_id": $Chain_id,
          { /* Launching */
            "phase": "launching",
            "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Running */
               "phase": "running",
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Closing */
               "phase": "closing",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Closed */
               "phase": "closed",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Crashed */
               "phase": "crashed",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system,
               "errors": $error },
          { "instances": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
              { /* Launching */
                "phase": "launching",
                "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Running */
                   "phase": "running",
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Closing */
                   "phase": "closing",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Closed */
                   "phase": "closed",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Crashed */
                   "phase": "crashed",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system,
                   "errors": $error },
            "queue_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
        "pipelines": integer ∈ [-2^15, 2^15-1] } ... ]
      /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    X_1 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Launching (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Running (tag 1)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closing (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closed (tag 3)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Crashed (tag 4)
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | birth                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | since                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name         | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
    | instances    | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | status       | Determined from data | $X_1                                                                    |
    | queue_length | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name        | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | chain_id    | 4 bytes              | bytes                            |
    | status      | Determined from data | $X_1                             |
    | information | Determined from data | $X_2                             |
    | pipelines   | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--workers--chain_validators--chain_id : **GET /workers/chain_validators/** .. raw:: html

Introspect the state of a chain validator worker.

    { "status":
        { /* Launching */
          "phase": "launching",
          "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Running */
             "phase": "running",
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closing */
             "phase": "closing",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closed */
             "phase": "closed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Crashed */
             "phase": "crashed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system,
             "errors": $error },
        [ { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
              { /* Hash */
                "hash": $block_hash }
              || { /* Peer_id */
                   "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash } } ... ],
        { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
          "treated": $timestamp.system,
            { /* Hash */
              "hash": $block_hash }
            || { /* Peer_id */
                 "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash } } }
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                                  | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | status                                | Determined from data | $X_0                                |
    | # bytes in next field                 | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | pending_requests                      | Variable             | sequence of $X_1                    |
    | ? presence of field "current_request" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | current_request                       | Determined from data | $X_3                                |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Launching (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Running (tag 1)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closing (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closed (tag 3)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Crashed (tag 4)
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | birth                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | since                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
    X_2 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Hash (tag 0)
    | Name | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |
    Peer_id (tag 1)
    | Name    | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag     | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | peer_id | 16 bytes | bytes                  |
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
    | pushed                | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | request               | Determined from data | $X_2                               |
    | Name    | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | pushed  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | treated | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | request | Determined from data | $X_2                             |
.. _GET_--workers--chain_validators--chain_id--ddb : **GET /workers/chain_validators//ddb** .. raw:: html

Introspect the state of the DDB attached to a chain validator worker.

    { "p2p_readers": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "active_chains": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
        { "table_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
          "scheduler_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
        { "table_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
          "scheduler_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
        { "table_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
          "scheduler_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
      "active_connections": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
      "active_peers": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] }
    | Name               | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | p2p_readers        | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | active_chains      | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | operation_db       | 8 bytes | $X_0                                                                    |
    | operations_db      | 8 bytes | $X_0                                                                    |
    | block_header_db    | 8 bytes | $X_0                                                                    |
    | active_connections | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | active_peers       | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name             | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | table_length     | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | scheduler_length | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
.. _GET_--workers--chain_validators--chain_id--peers_validators : **GET /workers/chain_validators//peers_validators** .. raw:: html

Lists the peer validator workers and their status.

    [ { "peer_id": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
          { /* Launching */
            "phase": "launching",
            "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Running */
               "phase": "running",
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Closing */
               "phase": "closing",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Closed */
               "phase": "closed",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Crashed */
               "phase": "crashed",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system,
               "errors": $error },
          { "instances": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
              { /* Launching */
                "phase": "launching",
                "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Running */
                   "phase": "running",
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Closing */
                   "phase": "closing",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Closed */
                   "phase": "closed",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Crashed */
                   "phase": "crashed",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system,
                   "errors": $error },
            "queue_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
          { "fetched_headers": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
            "fetched_blocks": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] } } ... ]
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    X_1 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Launching (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Running (tag 1)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closing (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closed (tag 3)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Crashed (tag 4)
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | birth                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | since                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name         | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
    | instances    | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | status       | Determined from data | $X_1                                                                    |
    | queue_length | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name            | Size    | Contents                                                                |
    | fetched_headers | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | fetched_blocks  | 4 bytes | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name        | Size                 | Contents |
    | peer_id     | 16 bytes             | bytes    |
    | status      | Determined from data | $X_1     |
    | information | Determined from data | $X_2     |
    | pipelines   | 8 bytes              | $X_4     |
.. _GET_--workers--chain_validators--chain_id--peers_validators--peer_id : **GET /workers/chain_validators//peers_validators/** .. raw:: html

Introspect the state of a peer validator worker.

    { "status":
        { /* Launching */
          "phase": "launching",
          "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Running */
             "phase": "running",
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closing */
             "phase": "closing",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closed */
             "phase": "closed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Crashed */
             "phase": "crashed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system,
             "errors": $error },
        [ { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
              { /* New_head */
                "request": "new_head",
                "block": $block_hash }
              || { /* New_branch */
                   "request": "new_branch",
                   "block": $block_hash,
                   "locators": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] } } ... ],
        { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
          "treated": $timestamp.system,
            { /* New_head */
              "request": "new_head",
              "block": $block_hash }
            || { /* New_branch */
                 "request": "new_branch",
                 "block": $block_hash,
                 "locators": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] } } }
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                                  | Size                 | Contents                            |
    | status                                | Determined from data | $X_0                                |
    | # bytes in next field                 | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer  |
    | pending_requests                      | Variable             | sequence of $X_1                    |
    | ? presence of field "current_request" | 1 byte               | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    | current_request                       | Determined from data | $X_3                                |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Launching (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Running (tag 1)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closing (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closed (tag 3)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Crashed (tag 4)
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | birth                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | since                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
    X_2 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    New_head (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | block | 32 bytes | bytes                  |
    New_branch (tag 1)
    | Name     | Size     | Contents                                                                |
    | Tag      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                                                  |
    | block    | 32 bytes | bytes                                                                   |
    | locators | 4 bytes  | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
    | pushed                | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | request               | Determined from data | $X_2                               |
    | Name    | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | pushed  | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | treated | 8 bytes              | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | request | Determined from data | $X_2                             |
.. _GET_--workers--prevalidators : **GET /workers/prevalidators** .. raw:: html

Lists the Prevalidator workers and their status.

    [ { "chain_id": $Chain_id,
          { /* Launching */
            "phase": "launching",
            "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Running */
               "phase": "running",
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Closing */
               "phase": "closing",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Closed */
               "phase": "closed",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system }
          || { /* Crashed */
               "phase": "crashed",
               "birth": $timestamp.system,
               "since": $timestamp.system,
               "errors": $error },
          { "instances": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30],
              { /* Launching */
                "phase": "launching",
                "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Running */
                   "phase": "running",
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Closing */
                   "phase": "closing",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Closed */
                   "phase": "closed",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system }
              || { /* Crashed */
                   "phase": "crashed",
                   "birth": $timestamp.system,
                   "since": $timestamp.system,
                   "errors": $error },
            "queue_length": integer ∈ [-2^30, 2^30] },
        "pipelines": integer ∈ [-2^15, 2^15-1] } ... ]
      /* Network identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of $X_0                   |
    X_1 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Launching (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Running (tag 1)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closing (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closed (tag 3)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Crashed (tag 4)
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | birth                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | since                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name         | Size                 | Contents                                                                |
    | instances    | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | status       | Determined from data | $X_1                                                                    |
    | queue_length | 4 bytes              | signed 31-bit big-endian integer in the range -1073741824 to 1073741823 |
    | Name        | Size                 | Contents                         |
    | chain_id    | 4 bytes              | bytes                            |
    | status      | Determined from data | $X_1                             |
    | information | Determined from data | $X_2                             |
    | pipelines   | 2 bytes              | signed 16-bit big-endian integer |
.. _GET_--workers--prevalidators--chain_id : **GET /workers/prevalidators/** .. raw:: html

Introspect the state of prevalidator workers.

    { "status":
        { /* Launching */
          "phase": "launching",
          "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Running */
             "phase": "running",
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closing */
             "phase": "closing",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Closed */
             "phase": "closed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system }
        || { /* Crashed */
             "phase": "crashed",
             "birth": $timestamp.system,
             "since": $timestamp.system,
             "errors": $error },
        [ { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
              { /* Flush */
                "request": "flush",
                "block": $block_hash,
                "event": $chain_update }
              || { /* Notify */
                   "request": "notify",
                   "peer": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
                   "mempool": $mempool }
              || { /* Inject */
                   "request": "inject",
                   "operation": $operation,
                   "force": boolean }
              || { /* Arrived */
                   "request": "arrived",
                   "operation_hash": $Operation_hash,
                   "operation": $operation }
              || { /* Advertise */
                   "request": "advertise" }
              || { /* Leftover */
                   "request": "leftover" }
              || { /* Ban */
                   "request": "ban",
                   "operation_hash": $Operation_hash } } ... ],
        { "pushed": $timestamp.system,
          "treated": $timestamp.system,
            { /* Flush */
              "request": "flush",
              "block": $block_hash,
              "event": $chain_update }
            || { /* Notify */
                 "request": "notify",
                 "peer": $Crypto_box.Public_key_hash,
                 "mempool": $mempool }
            || { /* Inject */
                 "request": "inject",
                 "operation": $operation,
                 "force": boolean }
            || { /* Arrived */
                 "request": "arrived",
                 "operation_hash": $Operation_hash,
                 "operation": $operation }
            || { /* Advertise */
                 "request": "advertise" }
            || { /* Leftover */
                 "request": "leftover" }
            || { /* Ban */
                 "request": "ban",
                 "operation_hash": $Operation_hash } } }
      /* A Cryptobox public key ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A Tezos operation ID (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* A block identifier (Base58Check-encoded) */
      /* If 'ignored', the new validated block is ignored since the current
         head fitness is better. If 'branch', we have set our head to a new
         validated block which is not the direct successor of the previous
         head. If 'increment', the new validated head is the direct successor
         of the previous head. */
      "branch" | "ignored" | "increment"
      /* The full list of errors is available with the global RPC `GET errors` */
      /* 64 bit integers
         Decimal representation of 64 bit integers */
      /* A batch of operation. This format is used to gossip operations between
         peers. */
      { "known_valid": [ $Operation_hash ... ],
        "pending": [ $Operation_hash ... ] }
      /* An operation. The shell_header part indicates a block an operation is
         meant to apply on top of. The proto part is protocol-specific and
         appears as a binary blob. */
      { "branch": $block_hash,
        "data": /^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])*$/ }
      /* RFC 3339 formatted timestamp
         A date in RFC 3339 notation. */
      /* A timestamp as seen by the underlying, local computer: subsecond-level
         precision, epoch or rfc3339 based. */
      $timestamp.rfc /* RFC encoding */ || $int64 /* Second since epoch */
      /* Universal string representation
         Either a plain UTF8 string, or a sequence of bytes for strings that
         contain invalid byte sequences. */
      string || { "invalid_utf8_string": [ integer ∈ [0, 255] ... ] }
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
    | status                | Determined from data | $X_0                               |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | pending_requests      | Variable             | sequence of $X_1                   |
    | current_request       | Variable             | $X_4                               |
    X_0 (Determined from data, 8-bit tag)
    Launching (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Running (tag 1)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closing (tag 2)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Closed (tag 3)
    | Name  | Size    | Contents                         |
    | Tag   | 1 byte  | unsigned 8-bit integer           |
    | birth | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | since | 8 bytes | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    Crashed (tag 4)
    | Name                     | Size     | Contents                           |
    | Tag                      | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer             |
    | birth                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | since                    | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in field "error" | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | errors                   | Variable | bytes                              |
    | Name   | Size     | Contents |
    | branch | 32 bytes | bytes    |
    | data   | Variable | bytes    |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | Unnamed field 0       | Variable | sequence of bytes                  |
    | Name                  | Size                 | Contents                           |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | known_valid           | Variable             | sequence of bytes                  |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes              | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | pending               | Determined from data | $X_2                               |
    chain_update (Enumeration: unsigned 8-bit integer):
    | Case number | Encoded string |
    | 0           | ignored        |
    | 1           | branch         |
    | 2           | increment      |
    X_3 (Variable, 8-bit tag)
    Flush (tag 0)
    | Name  | Size     | Contents                                                          |
    | Tag   | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer                                            |
    | block | 32 bytes | bytes                                                             |
    | event | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer encoding an enumeration (see chain_update) |
    Notify (tag 1)
    | Name    | Size                 | Contents               |
    | Tag     | 1 byte               | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | peer    | 16 bytes             | bytes                  |
    | mempool | Determined from data | $mempool               |
    Inject (tag 2)
    | Name      | Size     | Contents                            |
    | Tag       | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer              |
    | operation | Variable | $operation                          |
    | force     | 1 byte   | boolean (0 for false, 255 for true) |
    Arrived (tag 3)
    | Name           | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | operation_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |
    | operation      | Variable | $operation             |
    Advertise (tag 4)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Leftover (tag 5)
    | Name | Size   | Contents               |
    | Tag  | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    Ban (tag 6)
    | Name           | Size     | Contents               |
    | Tag            | 1 byte   | unsigned 8-bit integer |
    | operation_hash | 32 bytes | bytes                  |
    | Name                  | Size     | Contents                           |
    | pushed                | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer   |
    | # bytes in next field | 4 bytes  | unsigned 30-bit big-endian integer |
    | request               | Variable | $X_3                               |
    | Name    | Size     | Contents                         |
    | pushed  | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | treated | 8 bytes  | signed 64-bit big-endian integer |
    | request | Variable | $X_3                             |