.. TODO tezos/tezos#2170: search shifted protocol name/number & adapt Running Octez ============= In this section, we discuss how to take part in the protocol that runs the network. There are two main ways to participate: delegating your coins and running a delegate. The main advantage of delegating your coins is simplicity. The second way allows to participate more actively in the protocol, by baking blocks and voting, but is more demanding; however, the extra effort is compensated by more rewards in tez. To learn more about the protocol refer to :doc:`this page <../active/protocol_overview>`. No matter how you decide to run Octez, your node must have an accurate time source and be properly synchronized to it, e.g. by configuring an NTP daemon. This is especially important for bakers, as baking nodes desynchronized from the correct time of day have caused operational problems in the past by "baking in the future". .. _delegating_coins: Delegating your coins --------------------- If you don't want to deal with the complexity of running your own delegate, you can always take part in the protocol by delegating your coins to one. Both implicit accounts and smart contracts can have a delegate. Setting or resetting the delegate of an implicit account is achieved by the following command: :: octez-client set delegate for to where ```` is the address or alias of the implicit account to delegate and ```` is the address or alias of the delegate (which has to be :ref:`registered`). To stop a delegation, the following command can be used: :: octez-client withdraw delegate from Smart contract can also delegate the tokens they hold to registered delegates. The initial delegate of a smart contract can be set at origination using the ``--delegate`` option: :: octez-client originate contract transferring from running