Protocol Edo ============ **Important: revision 008_PtEdoTez of protocol Edo contains a bug that is corrected in the latest version 008_PtEdo2Zk** This page contains all the relevant information for protocol 008 Edo (008_PtEdo2Zk). Each of the main changes is briefly described with links to relevant external documentation and merge requests. There are dedicated sections for all the changes to RPCs and operations. The changelog section contains all the Merge Requests and instructions to regenerate the protocol sources from the Gitlab branch. The code can be found in the directory ``../src/proto_008_PtEdo2Zk`` of branch ``master`` or in the release 8.2 and its full hash is ``PtEdo2ZkT9oKpimTah6x2embF25oss54njMuPzkJTEi5RqfdZFA``. As usual a :ref:`testnet ` called ``Edonet`` will be available during the full lifetime of the protocol. The main novelties in the Edo protocol are: - An implementation of `Sapling`_, enabling privacy-preserving transactions - The notion of `tickets`_, making it easier for developers to write secure and composable contracts - An extended `Voting procedure`_ with a 5th period, ensuring smoother protocol upgrades .. contents:: Here is the complete list of changes: Environment V1 -------------- Edo is the first protocol that relies on a new environment V1 which introduces the new cryptographic libraries that Edo relies on for its features. Because of this, in case of a positive vote, all nodes will have to be updated to a shell containing V1 in order to run Edo. - update to OCaml 4.09 standard library - update of all libraries, Tezos specific or not (e.g. Lwt) - addition of Keccak and SHA3 - addition of BLS12-381 - addition of PVSS - addition of lib_sapling RPCs ---- As usual refer to the :doc:`RPC documentation page<../active/rpc>` or the :doc:`OpenAPI specification page<../api/openapi>` automatically generated with each protocol. Voting ~~~~~~ The RPC ``votes/current_period_kind`` when called on the last block of a voting period has always returned the kind of the following period. This behavior is partly due to the need of the client to know the next period kind in order to prepare operations that are valid for it. However it was often the source of confusion and for this reason ``votes/current_period_kind`` is deprecated in favor of two additional RPCs: - ``votes/current_period`` which returns information on the voting period of the current block and - ``votes/successor_period`` which returns information on the voting period of the successor block, which can be used by the client to forge operations for example. Metadata ~~~~~~~~ ``/metadata`` reflects the changes described later for the encoding block_metadata_. It is advised to stop relying on deprecated fields and use the new ones. Current_level ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``/helpers/current_level`` reflects the changes described later for the encoding block_metadata_, two fields becoming deprecated, namely ``voting_period`` and ``voting_period_position``. It is advised to stop relying on the deprecated fields and use the new dedicated RPCs (see voting_). Baking rights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RPC ``/helpers/baking_rights`` when querying for whole cycles now returns priorities up to 8 instead of 64. Furthermore it is now more efficient when querying for a restricted set of delegates. Michelson ~~~~~~~~~ - added mandatory balance field to run_code - added optional legacy switch to typecheck Encodings --------- Two encodings changed in 008, some fields were deprecated in favor of some new fields. If your software relies on the deprecated fields it should remain compatible with 008, however it is strongly suggested to use the new ones as the deprecated will be removed in a future protocol. If your software parses the entire encodings then it is not compatible with 008 because of the new added fields. You can always use the binary ``tezos-codec`` for more details on each encoding, binary or json. ``block_metadata`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _block_metadata: This encoding is returned by the RPC ``/metadata`` and is included in the receipts of block validation. The following fields are deprecated: - ``metadata.level`` - ``metadata.voting_period_kind`` in favor of - ``metadata.level_info`` - ``metadata.voting_period_info`` ``operation_receipt`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - new field ``lazy_storage_diff`` in operation receipt - ``big_map_diff`` is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version Voting procedure ---------------- The voting procedure has an additional 5th period called "Adoption", at the end of which it is already established that the voted proposal will be activated. This period requires no action and serves purely as buffer time for users to update their infrastructure to the new protocol. The length of each period has been reduced from 8 cycles to 5 cycles. The total duration of the voting procedure goes from 32 cycles (~3 months) to 25 cycles (~2 months and 10 days). The duration of the testchain is also reduced to 5 cycles to match the new duration of voting periods. The function ``update_listings``, which updates the voting weight of each delegate, is now called also at the end of the testing period. Voting periods now end at the last but one block of a cycle, instead at the end of a cycle. Smart contracts/Michelson ------------------------- Sapling ~~~~~~~ Integration of the Sapling protocol into the Michelson language. More information can be found in the :doc:`Sapling documentation page <../active/sapling>`. Bls12-381 ~~~~~~~~~ Addition of Michelson opcodes for the pairing friendly elliptic curve BLS12-381. Tickets ~~~~~~~ Tickets are a generic and composable mechanism for authenticating data from smart contracts, managing permissions, and representing assets. More information can be found in the :doc:`Ticket documentation <../active/tickets>`. Comb pairs ~~~~~~~~~~ - New instructions ``PAIR n``, ``UNPAIR n``, ``GET 2*k+b``, ``UPDATE 2*k+b`` to respectively build a comb pair of size ``n`` from ``n`` stack elements, decompose a comb pair of size ``n`` into ``n`` stack elements, access the ``k`` -th element in a comb pair, replace the ``k`` -th element in a comb pair. - Optimized notations for comb pair types and values. Type system ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Empty type ``never`` and instruction ``NEVER``. - Types ``chain_id``, ``key``, ``pair``, ``option``, ``or``, ``signature``, and ``unit`` made comparable - ``FAILWITH`` restricted to packable types Macros promoted as instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``UNPAIR`` - n-ary version of ``DUP`` New instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New hash functions: instructions ``KECCAK`` and ``SHA3`` - Instruction ``LEVEL`` to query the level of the current block - Instructions ``VOTING_POWER`` (and resp. ``TOTAL_VOTING_POWER``) to query the voting power of a particular delegate (resp. of all delegates) - Instruction ``SELF_ADDRESS`` equivalent to ``SELF; ADDRESS`` but allowed in lambdas Legacy ~~~~~~ - Removed legacy instructions ``STEPS_TO_QUOTA``, ``CREATE_ACCOUNT``, and the legacy version of ``CREATE_CONTACT``. These instructions are deprecated since Babylon and have not been used on Mainnet before their deprecation. Internal -------- The following changes are not visible to the users but reflect improvements of the codebase. - improvements to support the tool ``coq-of-ocaml`` - unification of big maps and sapling states as *lazy storage* - representation for bigmaps with id and diff (for trace mode) - improvements to support the tool ``bisect_ppx`` to compute code coverage Changelog --------- List of Merge Requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the full list of Merge Requests that compose 008. * `Proto: Split cases with different type parameters `_ * `add environment v1 `_ * `Updates to environment v1 `_ * `Remove poly variant from for coq-of-ocaml `_ * `Env1: use Lib_base Option `_ * `Environment: add keccak and bls12 `_ * `Lazy storage `_ * `CI: always test opam on the proto-proposal branch `_ * `Michelsoneries `_ * `Refactor signature check source look-up `_ * `Michelsoneries part 2 `_ * `Add PVSS modules to the protocol environment `_ * `Add 5th period for protocol "Adoption" and reduce voting period to 5 cycle `_ * `Optimized notations for pairs `_ * `Parsimonious Combs `_ * `De-duplicate protocol encodings `_ * `Shell context commit to operation receipts hash `_ * `Proper (un_parse comparable data `_ * `Ilias' better accounting set map literals `_ * `Update gas models for Combs `_ * `Compile the protocol's environment with coq-of-ocaml `_ * `Restrict FAILWITH to packable types `_ * `Sapling integration `_ * `add and use successor's voting period RPC - follow-up on "reduce voting period to 5 cycle" `_ * `Slight improvements in baking_rights RPC `_ * `Various cleanups `_ * `update previous protocol of alpha to delphi and update voting test `_ * `Linear tickets `_ * `Linear operators on maps and big maps `_ * `Add typing rule for MUL to allow building Fr elements from naturals `_ * `Fix deserialization gas precheck `_ * `Fix costs of KECCAK `_ * `Sapling state id is forged `_ * `fix successor period rpc `_ Instructions to reproduce the source tarball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Development of 008 is frozen in the branch `proto-008`_. The sources are contained in the directory ``src/proto_alpha/lib_protocol``, which is a rolling home for protocol development. This directory is snapshotted each time a new proposal is prepared using the following instructions:: $ ./scripts/ edo_008 $ ls src/proto_008_* .. _proto-008: